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Nominations are now open for Distinguished Alumni Award

Nominations are now open for Distinguished Alumni Award
Nominations are now open for Distinguished Alumni Award

Do you know someone who graduated from Stillwater Area High School and made a difference in the world? Consider nominating them for a Distinguished Alumni Award.

Nomination Form

The Distinguished Alumni Award recognizes individuals who have placed a high priority on education and service to others, becoming role models for this and future generations. Nominees must have graduated in 2014 or prior, may be living or deceased, and have distinct achievements in their chosen fields. 2024 Distinguished Alumni Award recipients will be honored at a reception on May 31, 2024.

Initiated in 1987 by Dr. Jon Swenson, a Stillwater Area High School principal, the Distinguished Alumni Award recipients are selected through a nomination process by a committee. The committee is chaired by the Stillwater Area High School principal and composed of ISD 834 personnel, a Partnership Plan representative, community members and Stillwater Alumni. 

The selected honorees will be inducted into the Stillwater Area High School Hall of Fame, and be recognized at a reception hosted by The Partnership Plan. Recipients are also honored at the Stillwater Area High School Commencement Ceremony. Plaques of Distinguished Alumni are permanently hung near the main rotunda and afford current Stillwater students an opportunity to read about the successful life paths former SHS and SAHS students have taken after graduation. 

For a list of past recipients of the Distinguished Alumni Award, dating back to 1907 graduates, click HERE

For more information on Stillwater Area Public Schools, follow the district on Facebook and Instagram at stillwater834.

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