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Environmental Health & Safety

Ensuring safe places for our students to learn

Stillwater Area Public Schools takes safety very seriously and works diligently to ensure we provide safe and healthy learning environments for all of our students. 


Karen Peterson
Secretary to the Manager of Facility & Site Operations

Radon Testing

We regularly test our schools for radon, a colorless, odorless gas that naturally comes from soil and has been linked to some cancer deaths when found at elevated levels. While radon testing is not required for schools in Minnesota, our school district has tested our schools for radon and we have mitigated any issues when they arise. The latest round of testing was conducted in 2018-2019.

Safe Drinking Water

Our district follows the state's model plan for reducing lead in drinking water. This ensures that each building will be tested for lead in drinking water at least once every five years and results shall be communicated with the public. Results from the most recent round of testing in 2023-24 are available below.

*ppb = parts per billion

The Minnesota Department of Health (MDH) strongly recommends that schools take remedial action if samples from drinking water taps produce lead levels greater than 20 ppb.

Wellhead Protection