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Check out the exploratory courses students will take.

Students will access four quarter-long courses designed to explore various topics and interests, from robotics to art and more.

Art 6 - 1 Quarter

Sixth Grade Art is an introductory course designed to expose students to the amazing world of the visual arts. In the quarter-long class, students will draw, paint, learn some printmaking techniques, and create clay projects. Students will also learn a little about art movements of the past, and the technical skills and terminology involved.

Health 6 - 1 Quarter

This course will provide students an opportunity to develop an understanding of health concepts, behaviors, and skills that reduce health risks and enhance the health and well-being of self and others, to set personal health goals, and to evaluate health information, products, services, and the effects of health behaviors on the community.  

Middle School Success I - 1 Quarter

Middle School Success I will be taken by students during either quarter 1 or quarter 2 of their 6th grade year. This course is designed to introduce students to study, note-taking, and organizational skills needed in middle school through project-based activities that also help students explore how they learn and interact with others.  

Design and Modeling - 1 Quarter

Students begin to recognize the value of an engineering notebook to document and capture their ideas. They are introduced to and use the design process to solve problems and understand the influence that creative and innovative design has on our lives. Students use industry standard 3D modeling software to create a virtual image of their designs and produce a portfolio to showcase their creative solutions.

  • Curriculum
  • Grade 6
  • Grade 6 Curriculum