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3 preschool students

A place to play, learn and be curious!

Our fee-based preschools provide outstanding opportunities for 3- and 4-year-olds of all skills and abilities, and assure that they make a smooth transition into kindergarten. 

Licensed preschool teachers provide learning experiences to develop the skills your child will need to be successful in school. Your child will make new friends and have lots of time to play and explore.  Daily activities include music and movement, sensory exploration, story time, block play, dramatic play, outdoor play, snack and circle time activities.


Early Childhood Family Center

Preschool booklet


Give your future Pony a great start! 

Why Choose Our Preschool? 

Sure, there are other preschool options available in our community, but ours is the only one that fully aligns with Stillwater Area Public Schools curriculum. Our preschool teachers work closely with kindergarten teachers across the district. They share ideas, align curriculum, and talk about individual students' strengths and needs as they transition from preschool to kindergarten.

Not convinced yet? Here's a few more reasons to choose us:

  • Licensed teachers and staff who care deeply about our youngest learners 
  • Integrated classrooms that serve children of all skills and abilities 
  • District-aligned curriculum 
  • Full-day and half-day options 
  • Free bus transportation may be available 
  • Financial assistance 

Four Stars for Excellence

4 stars

The state has recognized our preschool program with a Four-Star Parent Aware Rating.

There's A Lot To Learn In Preschool

3 young students

How to be a Good Student

Kids learn how to share, participate in groups, follow instructions and make new friends.
They also learn important pre-math, science and literacy skills to get them ready for kindergarten.
preschool student with drawing

Social Emotional Development

Children gain a sense of self, explore, get along with peers, and build confidence and independence.

It’s important for kids to spend time away from parents and build trusting relationships with adults outside the family. 

preschool students

Language and Cognitive Skills

Teachers help children stretch their language skills by asking thought-provoking questions and introducing new vocabulary.

Students engage in hands-on activities that challenge them to observe closely, ask questions, test their ideas or solve a problem. 

preschool student with toy

Motor Skills

Kids are encouraged to run, climb and play active games - all of the things that help them grow strong and develop motor skills.

They'll also create works of art using scissors, crayons and paint brushes - all while developing their fine motor skills.

"We loved everything about the preschool program! It prepared my children academically for kindergarten as well as allowed them to develop lasting relationships.”