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A New Lake Elmo Elementary

Lake Elmo concept

A successful bond would provide funds to replace Lake Elmo Elementary (originally built in 1920) with a larger, modern facility on a 47 acre site located on the northwest corner of Lake Elmo Avenue and 10th Street North. (Purchase of the land is contingent on passage of the bond.) 

Why a new Lake Elmo Elementary?

  • Lake Elmo Elementary is already near capacity and enrollment is expected to grow by more than 200 students in the next 10 years
  • Lake Elmo Elementary is more than 100 years old and has significant deferred maintenance needs
  • The traditional-style building is outdated and doesn’t meet the needs of today’s learners
  • The gymnasium and cafeteria are undersized for the student population
  • There are no flexible learning spaces for large group or small group activities. Kids often receive one-on-one help with things like math or reading in busy hallways.
  • There is limited specialist spaces for music, art, media, physical education
  • The current campus is undersized and its location on a busy highway makes access difficult for buses and parent drop-off/pickup
  • Per the Minnesota Department of Education guidelines, the school should have a 17-22 acre site but currently sits on just 12.8 acres

Did You Know? Lake Elmo is the fastest growing city in Minnesota

What a new school would provide:

  • More room to co-locate Lake Elmo and Amigos Unidos in a single 1,100 student campus
  • Increased capacity to address future growth within the community
  • Room to expand enrollment in the Amigos Unidos Dual Language Spanish Immersion 
  • Full ADA (American Disabilities Act) accessibility
  • Designated specialist spaces for music, media, art and special education 
  • Larger gymnasium, cafeteria and other community/gathering spaces
  • Flexible learning spaces and modern learning environments
  • Larger campus with more playing fields and green space and improved/safer traffic flow
  • Located further south; closer to the population center along Interstate 94

School Tour

School has changed

Since Lake Elmo was built in 1920, a lot has changed. Modern schools are designed to adapt to meet the needs of every individual student. They include things like:

  • Individual workspaces

  • Small group spaces

  • Private spaces for kids to receive one-to-one support

  • Collaboration spaces

  • Large group presentation areas

  • Flexible classrooms

Proposed home of new Lake Elmo Elementary

proposed Lake Elmo site

The district has entered into a purchase agreement for a 47 acre site on corner of Lake Elmo Avenue and 10th St. N.
in Lake Elmo. 

The purchase is contingent on the passage of the bond.