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Public Data Requests

Right to access public data

The school district recognizes its responsibility relative to the collection, maintenance, and dissemination of public data as provided in state statutes. The school district will comply with the requirements of the Minnesota Government Data Practices Act, Minn. Stat. Ch. 13 (MGDPA), and Minn. Rules Parts 1205.0100-1205.2000 in responding to requests for public data.

The Data Practices Act provides that Stillwater Area Public Schools must keep all government data in a way that makes it easy for you, as a member of the public, to access public data. You have the right to look at (inspect), free of charge, all public data that we keep. You also have the right to obtain copies of public data. The Data Practices Act allows us to charge for copies. You have the right to inspect data, free of charge, before deciding to request copies. 

Responses to requests for public data must be supplied as soon as reasonably possible. 

If the school district does not have the data you are asking for, or if the data are not public, we will let you know as soon as reasonably possible and if we will be processing the data on a rolling basis. If the data are not public, we will tell you which specific law makes the information not public. 

The law does not require that we create or collect new data for you in order to respond to your request or to provide data in a specific form or arrangement if we do not keep the data in that form or arrangement. In addition, the law does not require us to answer questions that are not requests for data.