The information on this page is a brief summary. For additional guidance, please review Policy 103: Complaints - Students, Employees, Parents, Other People.
Sharing Concerns and Feedback
As a district committed to individualized attention and personal relationships, offering a high-quality customer service experience is an essential part of Stillwater Area Public Schools' mission.
Recognizing that at times the District may not meet all expectations, feedback is welcomed and families are encouraged to let staff know of concerns.
Share concerns with the person most directly involved (i.e. classroom teacher, coach/activity advisor, etc.). Many times a concern is a result of misinformation or a misunderstanding and can be solved at the classroom or building level.
If after that meeting there is still an issue, bring concerns to the building principal or appropriate supervisor.
If an issue remains, direct concerns to the superintendent or administrative designee.
If there is still an issue after speaking with the superintendent/designee, a concern can be submitted in writing to the school board during an open forum.
The District is committed to continuous improvement, and is always seeking to enhance the experience for students, families, staff, and community members. Comments can be sent to
Reporting Suspicious Activities or Concerning Behaviors
To keep schools safe for students, if someone overhears something concerning, notices strange behaviors, or sees an alarming post on social media - speak up. Please encourage children to share any concerns they may have with a school staff member, the local police or any adult.
Look for the “See Something, Say Something” button on the homepage that allows for anonymous reporting of any concerns.