1/23/20 Business Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an unofficial summary of the meeting.
At the start of the meeting, the board approved a motion to amend the agenda to remove the second reading of Policy 209 - Code of Conduct. At the request of a board member, the policy will be sent back to the Policy Working Group for further revision before coming back for a second reading.
The school board members recognized Ana Weaver, a Stillwater Area High School junior and recent cross country state champion. In addition to cross country, Ana is also a straight-A student and member of both the track and nordic ski teams.
Report for Information - Second Reading of Policies
School board members reviewed two policies as part of a second reading. These included: Policy 520 – Student Surveys and Policy 521 – Student Disability Nondiscrimination. Board members had a discussion about how parents are notified of surveys and whether they should be able to opt-out or opt-in. The policy will be discussed at the school board’s policy working group and any changes will be reflected as part of a final reading. Both of the policies will come back for a final reading and board action at a future meeting.
Action Item - School Board Committee and Working Groups Assignments
Board members approved the committee assignments for 2020. Board members serve as representatives to various groups that support the district, like Northeast Metro 916 and the Minnesota State High School League. Members also serve on working groups in the areas of finance and operations, legislative, policy, community engagement and personnel.
The committee assignments are as follows:
- Association of Metropolitan School Districts (AMSD): Mike Ptacek
- Community Education Advisory Council: Jen Pelletier
- MN State High School League (MSHSL): Mark Burns
- Northeast Metro 916: Sarah Stivland
- Partnership Plan: Liz Weisberg
- Schools for Equity in Education (SEE): Tina Riehle
School Board Sub-Committees 2020
Finance and Operations |
Legislative |
Personnel Policy |
Policy |
Community Engagement |
Tina Riehle* |
Mike Ptacek* |
Tina Riehle* |
Mark Burns* |
Liz Weisberg* |
Liz Weisberg |
Mark Burns |
Shelley Pearson |
Sarah Stivland |
Jen Pelletier |
Jen Pelletier |
Shelley Pearson |
Sarah Stivland |
Shelley Pearson |
Mike Ptacek |
*Committee chairs
Action Item - Secondary Literacy Curriculum
School board members adopted the secondary English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum at a total cost of $502,000, which will be invested and implemented over the course of three years. As an amendment to the motion, the board also approved the addition of $96,000 in one-time funds to provide LETRS (Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling) training for reading interventionists and instructional coaches. Several school board members also expressed an interest in adding reading interventionists at the middle school level at a total cost of $214,000 annually. The board is expected to consider this as part of a larger budget conversation in the future.
Action Item - BWBR Architectural Services (summer projects)
School board members approved an agreement with BWBR for architectural services for this summer’s long-term facilities maintenance projects. The projects include replacing facility finishes, designing restroom layouts and replacing roofing systems. As an amendment to the motion, the board also voted to put out a request for proposals, or RFP, for an architect for future projects.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.