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1/9/20 Organizational Meeting

1/9/20 Organizational Meeting

Agenda & Materials



Meeting Notes

The following is an unofficial summary of the meeting.

At the beginning of the meeting, board members elected new officers: Sarah Stivland, chair; Shelley Pearson, vice chair; Mike Ptacek, clerk and Tina Riehle, treasurer.

Consent Agenda
As part of the annual organizational meeting, board members voted to approve a variety of organizational resolutions as part of the consent agenda. 

Report for Information - School Board Committee Assignments and Working Groups 2020 
Board members discussed committee assignments for the coming year, and will vote to approve those assignments at a future meeting. Board members serve as representatives to various groups that support the district, like Northeast Metro 916 and the Minnesota State High School League. Members also serve on working groups in the areas of finance and operations, legislative, policy, community engagement and personnel.

Action Item - Establish 2020 Calendar of Meetings
The board approved its meeting calendar for 2020. Watch for the calendar to be posted online.

Action Item - Establish 2020 Board Member Salaries
School board members voted to approve their salaries for 2020 at the current rate. Each elected school board member receives an annual salary of $4,750. The elected board chair receives an additional $500 for a total annual salary amount of $5,250. 

Action Item - SchoolCafe Service Agreement 
School board members approved a service agreement with SchoolCafe, which will allow families to make online payments for school meals. As a result of this agreement, families will no longer use FeePay to make meal payments. The SchoolCafé software application is already being used by the district to allow families to apply for free/reduced lunch benefits, review menus and dietary information and check on their student’s meal account balance. Now they will also be able to make electronic payments into their student’s food service account.

stillwater pony head

Additional Meeting Notes