10/19/21 Business Meeting
Board Meeting Notes
Report for Information: Professional Development Update
School board members learned about the opportunities teachers and staff will have to engage in professional development this school year. The district will hold three full days of professional development - one in November, January and April. Teachers will also receive job-embedded learning through a mentor program (for teachers new to the district), organized professional learning communities, and instructional coaching. This year’s focus is on foundational literacy skills, social-emotional learning and support for students - all of which are essential as staff address the impact of the COVID pandemic on students’ learning.
Of note: A group of elementary teachers will begin an intensive training in Language Essential for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (commonly referred to as LETRS) and reading interventionists will continue deepening their understanding of Orton-Gillingham instructional practices to help support struggling readers.
There were no action items at this meeting.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.