10/24/19 Business Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an informal summary of the meeting.
Tthe school board recognized student leaders from Summer Success. Summer Success is the summer school program that gives elementary students the opportunity to catch up to classmates and better prepare them for the coming year. For the past five years, middle and high school students have served as student leaders and mentors during the three week program.
Report for Information: Career Pathways Program
High school staff provided a report on the Career Pathways program being developed at SAHS. The goals of the pathways program are to enhance academic achievement, provide more relevance to what students are learning, and offer more real-world opportunities. Through pathways, students will better understand their career options, get hands-on experience in a variety of areas, and leave high school with marketable skills and experiences.
Report for Information: Community Design Team
Director Mark Burns provided an update on the Community Design Team’s long-range facilities planning work. The design team held its third workshop on Oct. 15. During the workshop, the Cuningham Group led an information forum to provide data specific to the district, including programming, demographic, capacity and enrollment information. The group also created facility standards for the district. Since the last meeting, CDT members have been touring school facilities. The next meeting will be held Monday, Nov. 4 and the team will begin digging into the gap analysis and district scenarios. Meeting materials and summaries are available online.
Report for Information: School Board Building Liaisons
The Community Engagement Working Group shared draft expectations for school board liaisons. As part of the proposal, board members would be assigned two schools/programs per semester and would rotate through remaining schools. After four years, every board member would have rotated through every school. Liaisons are not meant to be advocacy positions, but to allow board members to gain a broader perspective about the district. The board is expected to vote on school board liaisons at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Second Reading of Policies
The school board reviewed Policy 410-Family and Medical Leave and Policy 620-Credit for Learning. The policies will be brought back for approval at a future meeting.
Action Item: 2011A Certificate of Participation Refunding Resolution
School board members approved a resolution to move forward with the sale of Refunding Certificates of Participation (COPs) with a minimum savings goal of $500,000. The COPs were originally issued to fund construction of the Early Child Family Center. Based on the current market, it is estimated the district might be able to save more than half a million dollars on associated taxes payable 2021 by refinancing these COPs.
Action Item: 2020 Legislative Platform
School board members approved the 2020 legislative platform, which outlines the district’s priorities to share with legislators who represent the district at the state Capitol. The three priorities include: (1) Increase the basic general education funding formula; (2) Further increase the state’s share of special education funding and reduce paperwork for special educators; and (3) Increase funding to support mental health initiatives and increase the physical safety/ security of our schools.
Action Item: Accept New Members to the World’s Best Workforce Advisory Committee
The school board approved the addition of 8 new members to the World’s Best Workforce Advisory Committee, and also reserved four spots for students and two additional spots for teachers yet to be named. The advisory group provides advice to the school board, and helps engage the public in the district's work to ensure all students are career and college ready. Stillwater’s World’s Best Workforce (WBWF) plan meets the goals of Minnesota’s World’s Best Workforce legislation, which was passed in 2013 to ensure every school district in the state is making strides to increase student performance. Learn more online.
Action Item: Combined Polling Locations
School board members approved a resolution for the 2020 Combined Polling Locations. By law, school districts must pass a resolution annually establishing combined polling places for any potential special elections in the upcoming year, even if the polling places never change.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.