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10/7/21 Business Meeting

10/7/21 Business Meeting

Agenda and Materials Revised


October 7, 2021 Board Meeting Notes

At the beginning of the meeting the board voted to amend the agenda to remove two reports for information, including the review of policies 201.3 Operating Norms and 206 Public Participation in School Board Meetings. The board asked for more time to gather feedback from the community related to open forums. The policies are expected to be brought forward for a first reading at a future meeting.

Oath of Office
Chris Kunze was sworn into office. Kunze was selected by the school board to fill a temporary vacancy following the resignation of Liz Weisberg. He will serve until a permanent replacement is elected during the special election next month.

Action Item: Board Vacancy by Appointment
School board members voted 6-0 to approve a resolution to appoint Vivian Votava to fill an open seat on the school board until a special election is held in November 2022. This is the seat vacated by Matt Onken. Votava will be administered the oath of office following the required 30 day period for petition and will serve in the position until a replacement is elected during a special election in November 2022.

Report for Information: Child Care Stabilization Grant
School board members learned about a new state grant which will allow the district to pay before and after school childcare employees an additional amount per hour through June of 2023. The grant dollars will be dedicated toward increasing the hourly pay of essential workers within the childcare program by about $1.50 to $1.75. 

Report for Information: Transportation Update
School board members received an update on transportation. Staff are currently rerouting all available buses to ensure students living 2 miles or further from school and others required by law will receive busing. Rerouting is also allowing staff to increase efficiency by creating neighborhood hubs to limit the number of stops a bus makes. The district is continuing to recruit new bus drivers. An idea to change school start and end times to address ongoing busing issues has been taken off the table. The idea, which would have reduced the number of buses needed to transport students, would have also caused significant disruptions to students, staff and families and unfairly impacted Oak-Land Middle School students. New bus routes will take effect on November 3.

stillwater pony head

Additional Meeting Notes