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11/14/19 Business Meeting

11/14/19 Business Meeting

Agenda & Materials


Additional Materials



Meeting Notes

The following is an informal summary of the meeting.

the school board recognized members of the Stillwater Sunrise Rotary who have been volunteering to support media centers at both Rutherford and Stonebridge elementary schools in the district.

Report for Information: Community Design Team (CDT)
Board members from the CDT provided an update on the Community Design Team’s long-range facilities planning work. The design team held its fourth workshop on Nov. 4. During the workshop, the group began brainstorming different scenarios to address enrollment needs in the district. The next meeting will be held on Nov. 19 and the team will continue exploring district-wide scenarios, as well as consider the needs of individual schools. Meeting materials and summaries are available online.

Report for Information: School Calendar
Three potential 2020-2021 school year calendars were presented to the school board for consideration. Two of the calendars have school starting before Labor Day, and one has school starting after Labor Day. The calendar committee (made up of parents, students and district staff) is recommending the board adopt either Calendar A or Calendar B, both of which include a pre-Labor Day start. See the calendar options online. The board is expected to approve a final calendar for 2020-2021 at its Nov. 21 board meeting.

Report for Information: Second Reading: Policy 534-Unpaid Meal Charges 
School board members reviewed Policy 534-Unpaid Meal Charges. A few revisions were made to the policy based on board feedback following the first reading. The policy will be brought back for a final reading and official action at a future meeting.

Report for Information: First Reading of Policies
The school board had the opportunity to review several policies as part of the first reading. These included: Policy 401-Equal Opportunity Employment; Policy 402-Disability Nondiscrimination; and Policy 520-Student Surveys. The policies will be brought back for a second reading at a future meeting.

Report for Information: District Phone System Upgrade
School board members reviewed a proposal to update the district’s phone system. Typically a new phone system would cost $300,000 to $500,000. The proposal includes plans to upgrade components of the current telephone system, retaining much of the existing equipment. This would reduce the cost to approximately $120,000 and the proposed upgrade is expected to extend the life of the telephone system by 5-10 years. The board will take action on the proposal at a future meeting.

Action Item: Secondary Literacy Curriculum
School board members voted down a recommendation to adopt a new English Language Arts curriculum for middle and high school students by a vote of 3-3 with one member absent.

Action Item: School Board Liaisons 
The school board liaisons item was tabled for a future meeting.

Action Item: Final Reading: Policies
The school board unanimously approved Policy 410-Family and Medical Leave and Policy 620-Credit for Learning. 

Action Item: JPA for Elections between Washington County and School District 834 
The school board unanimously approved a resolution authorizing the district to enter into an updated joint powers agreement with Washington County for the purpose of managing the school district’s elections. The JPA was last entered into in July 2007.

Action Item: Memorandum on Follow-up to Audit Findings 
School board members approved a memorandum by a vote of 5-1 directing Superintendent Pontrelli to provide a written report to the school board no later than December 13, 2019 addressing questions related to findings from the recent independent financial audit.


stillwater pony head

Additional Meeting Notes