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11/18/21 Business Meeting

11/18/21 Business Meeting

Agenda and Materials 2nd Revision

Board Meeting Notes

At the start of the meeting the school board recognized the state champion Girls Soccer team.

Oath of Office
Pete Kelzenberg and Vivian Votava were sworn into office at the start of the meeting. Kelzenberg was recently elected to fill the remainder of the term vacated with the resignation of Liz Weisberg earlier this summer. Votava was selected by the school board to fill a temporary vacancy following the resignation of Matt Onken. Votava will serve until a permanent replacement is elected during a special election next November.

Action Item: Property Purchase Agreement
School board members voted 7-0 to approve a property purchase agreement for the Kern property, a 3.72 acre piece of land located across from Stillwater Area High School. The property was donated to the district about 10 years ago. The property will be sold to Washington County, which plans to create a road from the Highway 36 and Manning Avenue interchange to Stillwater Boulevard by Stillwater Area High School.  

Report for Information: Attendance Boundary Final Recommendations 2022-2023
The school board received a formal recommendation from the boundary committee to change elementary school attendance boundaries to address growth in the southern portion of our district. The committee’s final recommendation is to limit disruption to students and families by selecting Option A, as well as ensure that any child displaced by a boundary change will have priority to apply back to their chosen school through alternate enrollment. They also recommended that the school board provide the option for next year’s 5th and 8th grade students to be allowed to remain in their current school so they can finish out their final year in that building. The board is expected to take action to approve a final boundary change plan on Thursday, Dec. 9.

Report for Information: Course Change Proposals
School board members reviewed a proposal by the Curriculum Advisory Council to make several course changes for the 2022-2023 school year. The proposal includes 4 course name changes: (1) Introduction to Unified Physical Education and Lifetime Recreation, which is an 8th grade physical education elective; (2) CIS Introductory College Physics; (3) Fundamentals of Applied Design; and (4) CIS Human Physiology, Technology, and Medical Devices. It also includes the addition of 2 new courses: (1) Orientation to Education and (2) Education Field Experience CAPS Course. The proposal also includes a substantive curriculum change to Earth Science 6 at the middle schools. The board is expected to vote on the proposal at a future meeting.

Report for Information: COVID 19 Mitigation Update
The school board received a report on the latest COVID-19 information. With a recent rise in positive COVID cases within the district, administration recommended continuing the current mitigation strategies including universal masking for preK-8. Masking will continue to be strongly recommended at the high school level. The board will review the masking practices again in mid-January, prior to the beginning of Semester 2. Administration also shared a plan to return K-5 online learners back to in-person learning for the start of Semester 2. With the availability of vaccines for 5-11 year olds, many families indicated a desire to return to in-person learning. The anticipated decline in enrollment in the program no longer makes it cost-effective to offer it for Semester 2. Students will be assigned a new teacher and classroom within their home school. 

Report for Information: First Reading Policy 514 - Bullying Prohibition
School board members reviewed policy 514: Bullying Prohibition as part of a first reading. The policy will come back for a second reading at a future meeting.

Report for Information: First Reading Policy 722 - Data Request
School board members reviewed policy722: Data Request as part of a first reading. The policy will come back for a second reading at a future meeting.

Report for Information: First Reading Policy 201.2 - Board Guiding Principles
School board members reviewed policy 201.2: Board Guiding Principles as part of a first reading. The policy will come back for a second reading at a future meeting.

stillwater pony head

Additional Meeting Notes