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11/21/19 Business Meeting

11/21/19 Business Meeting

Agenda & Materials

Additional Materials



Meeting Notes

The following is an unofficial summary of the meeting.

At the start of the meeting, board chair Mike Ptacek removed the secondary literacy curriculum item from the agenda. The board is expected to hold a work session in December to further discuss the proposed curriculum. Board members will also be provided opportunities to visit classrooms to observe the piloting of the proposed curriculum and discuss it with teachers. 

The school board recognized two staff members for their incredible work on behalf of our district: 

  • Sara Damon, a social studies teacher at the high school, received a Fulbright Distinguished Award in Teaching (DAT) from the U.S Department of State and William J. Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board. As a Fulbright teacher, she spent five months in Gaborone, Botswana and studied in the Population Studies Department at the University of Botswana, researching, conducting interviews and creating curriculum for Stillwater students and fellow Minnesota geographic educators.
  • Laura Larsen, the district's Coordinator of Facilities and Site Operation, was awarded the 2019 Outstanding Contributor Award by the Minnesota Educational Facilities Management Professionals.

Report for Information: Community Design Team 
A representative from the Cuningham Group provided an update on the Community Design Team’s long-range facilities planning work. Cuningham is the firm that has been hired by the district to facilitate the long-range planning process. The board heard more about the design process and the work that has been completed to date. Meeting materials and summaries are available online.

Report for Information: Program & Course Changes
School board members heard a proposal by the Curriculum Advisory Council (made up of students, staff, parents and community members) to add two new courses at Stillwater Area High School for the 2020-2021 school year. The board is expected to vote on the proposal at a future meeting.

  • French Intermediate I & II, College in the Schools (CIS): Students would be provided the opportunity to take this course through the University of Minnesota College In the Schools program. After successfully completing this course, students would receive college credit. This course would replace the AP French Language and Culture Course currently offered. 
  • Sports and Society: This elective Psychology course would provide students with an understanding of the sports industry and the broader economic, political, environmental, cultural and social systems that apply to the world of sports. This course would replace Psychology B.

Report for Information: 2019 District Enrollment
School board members received an update on the district’s enrollment numbers. The report provided a comprehensive look at student enrollment, including retention and enrollment history, as well as an overview of the schools students are choosing to attend. 

Report for Information: Second Reading of Policies
School board members reviewed three policies as part of a second reading, including Policy 722-Public Data Requests; Policy 401-Equal Opportunity Employment; and Policy 402-Disability Nondiscrimination. The policies will be brought back for a final reading and official action at a future meeting.

Action Item: Adopt Awarding/Ratifying Resolution for Sale of Bonds
The school board adopted a resolution to award the sale of the Refunding Certificates of Participation (COP). The COPs were originally issued in 2011 to fund construction of the Early Child Family Center. By refinancing, the district taxpayers will save $827,493 over the remainder of the COP term. 

Action Item: School Board Building Liaisons
The board approved school building liaisons assignments. Each board member will be assigned two schools/programs per semester and will rotate through each of the remaining schools. After four years, every board member will have rotated through every school. It is requested that at a minimum, board members schedule a tour with the principal and attend at least one other meeting/event throughout the semester. 

Action Item: School Calendar 2020-2021 
School board members approved “Option B” as the 2020-2021 school calendar. The first day of school will be Monday, August 31, 2020, which is one week later than school began this year.  The last day of school will be Wednesday, June 2, 2021. Watch for the official version of the new calendar to be posted online soon.

Action Item: Final Reading: Policy 534-Unpaid Meal Charges
School board members approved Policy 534 - Unpaid Meal Charges.


stillwater pony head

Additional Meeting Notes