11/4/21 Business Meeting
Meeting Notes
Action Item: Northeast Metro Intermediate School District 916 Joint Power of Agreement
The school board voted 5-0 to approve a joint power agreement (JPA) with Northeast Metro Intermediate District 916. 916 is an intermediate school district that provides a variety of specialized services, such as Special Education and career and technical education, to its 14 member districts. The agreement has been updated to more fully describe what occurs when a member district decides to withdraw from the JPA.
Action Item: Commercial Purchase Agreement
School board members vote 4-1 to approve a purchase agreement for the sale of the former Withrow Elementary School building to a private school. The sale will be final when all of the terms of the agreement are met.
Action Item: Combined Polling Locations
School board members voted 5-0 to approve a resolution for the 2022 combined polling locations. State law requires school districts to approve a resolution to combine polling places by December 31 of each year, even if the polling places never change. These polling locations would be used in the event of a special election.
Report for Information: Q-Comp Report
School board members received an update on the district’s Q-Comp program (Alternative Teacher Professional Pay System) and how it is used to improve student learning by providing job-embedded professional development to teachers. Board members will be considering an option to levy for additional Q-Comp funds through a non-voter approved levy at a future meeting. As part of the report, they learned how new funds could be used to pay for additional Instructional Coaches, as well as provide stipends for teacher leaders and help pay for additional professional development opportunities.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.