1/20/22 Business Meeting
School Board Meeting Notes
At the beginning of the meeting the school board recognized members of the high school’s Ag Communication, Fish and Wildlife and Small Animal/Vet Science teams. The Stillwater FFA continued their successful year with strong showings in recent virtual Career Development Events (CDE).
Action Item: COVID 19 Mitigation
School board members voted 5-1 to expand the current universal masking requirements to the high school. A mandate is already in place for elementary and middle schools. Indoor masking will now be required for all people in the school setting (K-12+) including staff, students and visitors, regardless of vaccination status. District officials are recommending the mandate be in place until a consistent, downward trend of cases occurs over several weeks. The board will revisit the issue at the Feb. 3 board meeting.
Action Item: Legislative Platform
The school board voted 6-0 to approve its 2022 Legislative Platform. Each year the board approves a legislative platform, which members share with local legislators to express needs within the school district. Priorities for this year include:
- Linking the basic formula to inflation to provide a reliable and predictable funding stream.
- Increasing special education and English learner (EL) funding to reduce shortfalls.
- Lifting the Safe Schools levy cap and/or providing additional funding to allow districts to hire additional support staff to address the safety and mental health needs of students.
- Resisting enacting new unfunded or underfunded mandates.
- Removing barriers and providing incentives to allow districts to address the shortage of teachers, substitute teachers, school bus drivers, paraprofessionals and other staff.
- Providing districts the flexibility to adapt learning environments for positive student outcomes and the ability to make decisions based on local needs.
Action Item: 2022-23 School District Calendar
School board members voted 6-0 to approve a calendar for the 2022-2023 school year. View approved calendar (option 2)
Action Item: Policy 204 – School Board Meeting Minutes
School board members voted 6-0 to approve policy 204 - School Board Meeting Minutes.
Action Item: Revoke Policy 201.1 – Board Purpose
School board members voted 6-0 to approve policy 201.1 - Board Purpose.
Action Item: School Board Committee Assignments and Working Groups 2022
Board members voted 6-0 to approve committee assignments for the coming year. Board members serve as representatives to various groups that support the district, like Northeast Metro 916 and the Minnesota State High School League. Members also serve on working groups in the areas of finance and operations, legislative, policy and personnel.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.