12/12/19 Business Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an unofficial summary of the meeting.
Report for Information: Truth in Taxation 2019 Payable 2020
The district held its annual Truth in Taxation public hearing during the board meeting. Each December the district is required to present its budget and levy to the community and provide a time for public comment. The report included information about the district’s preliminary budget for 2019-2020, as well as details about the voter-approved and non-voter approved levies paid for by taxpayers. The school board will certify the levy at its Dec. 19 school board meeting.
Report for Information: Building Assets, Reducing Risks (BARR) NSI Program
School board members were informed that Stillwater Area High School (SAHS) has been selected as a participating school with the BARR/Gates Network for Schools Improvement (NSI) program. SAHS has been chosen as an “anchor” school to serve as a model and mentor for schools across the nation. This recognition also comes with grant dollars from the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation that will ensure sustainability for our BARR program in the coming years.
Report for Information: 2019-2020 Revised Budget
The school board was presented with the 2019-2020 Revised Budget, which is a mid-year update to the Preliminary Budget approved by the board in May. The Revised Budget is based on the October 1 student enrollment and revised revenue and expenditure estimates. The Revised Budget looks at all of the various district funds, the largest of which is the general fund. Notable changes to the general fund since the Preliminary Budget was first approved include:
- Revenues increased $2,440,056 from the preliminary budget as a result of increases in state aids (special education, safe schools, pupil units) grants and the addition of student activities
- General fund expenditures increased $515,032 from the preliminary budget as a result of an increase in Long-Term Facilities Maintenance, safe schools, grants and the addition of student activities
- Projected unassigned fund balance is 8.47% of total expenditures. The board’s goal of reaching a 5% unassigned fund balance has been met.
The budget does not include any contractual increases in open contracts beyond steps and lanes. Depending on timing of employee contract settlements, the budget may be revised again in Spring 2020. The revised budget will be brought back to the board as an action item at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Expenditure Approval Form
School board members discussed the use of a new Expenditure Approval Form. The board is requesting administration complete this form any time a lease, purchase, or contract for goods or services exceeds $50,000.
Report for Information: First Reading of Policies
School board members reviewed two policies, including 209-Code of Conduct and 521-Student Disability Nondiscrimination. The policies will be brought back for a second reading at a future meeting.
Action Item: Final Reading of Policies
School board members approved three policies, including Policy 722-Public Data Requests; Policy 401-Equal Opportunity Employment and Policy 402-Disability Nondiscrimination.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.