12/19/19 Business Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an unofficial summary of the meeting.
The school board recognized Maddie Whittington, a Stillwater Area High School senior who was recently named Miss Volleyball by the Minnesota Volleyball Coaches Association - an honor bestowed on the top player in the state.
Report for Information: Community Design Team
Director Mark Burns provided an update on the Community Design Team’s long-range facilities planning work. The design team held its sixth workshop on Tuesday evening. During the meeting team members discussed and provided feedback on an overall districtwide scenario, as well as individual school improvements. The group will meet again in January to finalize its recommendation to the school board. Meeting materials and summaries are available online.
Action Item: Certify the 2019 Payable 2020 Tax Levy
School board members voted 4-3 to certify the district’s 2019 Payable 2020 tax levy in the amount of $38,246,648.07. The dollar amount reflects the removal of the Certificate of Participation, which would have been used to fund an expansion of Brookview Elementary School. Several board members indicated a desire to consider a Brookview expansion as part of a future voter-approved referendum. By under levying, taxpayers will see a lower dollar amount for school taxes in comparison to what was on their proposed property tax statement.
Action Item: 2019-2020 Revised Budget
The school board unanimously approved the 2019-2020 Revised Budget, which is a mid-year update to the Preliminary Budget approved by the board in May. The Revised Budget is based on the October 1 student enrollment and revised revenue and expenditure estimates. The Revised Budget looks at all of the various district funds, the largest of which is the general fund. The budget does not include any contractual increases in open contracts beyond steps and lanes. Depending on timing of employee contract settlements, the budget may be revised again in Spring 2020.
Action Item: 2019-2021 Master Contract for Cafeteria Employees’ Organization
The board unanimously approved a new contract for the Cafeteria Employees’ Organization. The existing contract expired in June. The new contract includes some language changes and provides no salary increase for year 1 and a 1% increase for year two. The new contract will cover the period from July 2019 to June 2021.
Action Item: Pathways Coordinator
The school board approved the creation of a new position to coordinate the Career Pathways program at Stillwater Area High School. The full-time position will be responsible for leading the pathways program during the second semester of the 2019-2020 school year. The primary goals will be to continue the momentum gained through the work of the Innovations Committee and put ideas into action for the 2020-2021 school year. Implementation of the pathways course registration system and the development of programming that highlights a new emphasis on trades and other high wage, high demand careers will be a hallmark of this first stage of the pathways initiative.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.