12/3/20 Business Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an informal summary of the meeting.
The school board recognized Washington County Administrator Kevin Corbid, Commissioner Gary Kriesel, and Michael Smith, regional director for Huntington Learning Center, for their efforts to secure additional COVID grant funding (known as CRF) for our schools. The $587,000 in grant funding was used to purchase Chromebooks to support our students through distance learning.
Report for Information: Truth and Taxation Public Input
The district held its annual Truth in Taxation public hearing during the board meeting. Each December the district is required to present its budget and levy to the community and provide a time for public comment. The report included information about the district’s preliminary budget for 2020-2021, as well as details about the voter-approved and non-voter approved levies paid for by taxpayers. The school board will certify the levy at its Dec. 17 school board meeting.
Report for Information: On the Dial Learning Update
District leaders shared the latest COVID-19 trend data for the county, the school district, and specific school buildings. Interim superintendent Lansfeldt also shared reflections on the move to distance learning and provided an update on the planning underway to bring students back to school as soon as it is safe to do so. While the current plan is to bring students back January 25, the board will review the latest COVID trend data in early January to determine if that will be possible. A consistent downward trend in positive COVID cases is necessary before bringing students and staff back. The state has a committee currently working to review the guidance it is providing to schools, and updated information from the departments of education and health is expected to be shared soon. A local COVID Data Advisory Team - that includes doctors and local health experts, school staff and community members - is also working to develop return to school metrics for our district.
Report for Information: Second Reading – Policy 510 – Shared Time Students
The school board reviewed a Shared Time Students policy as a second reading. This policy addresses non-public or homeschooled students enrolled part-time in the district. The policy will be brought back as an action item at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Second Reading – Policy 721.1 - Board Approval of Contracts and Expenditures
The school board reviewed a policy related to board approval of contracts and expenditures as a second reading. The policy was designed to provide a clear and consistent process for Board required approval of contracts and expenditures. The policy will be brought back as an action item at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Superintendent Evaluation
Board chair Stivland shared a summary of the recent mid-year superintendent evaluation. The board evaluated the interim superintendent in the areas of governance, finance, communication and community relationships, operations, human resources, teaching and learning, and ethical and inclusive leadership. The board also took action to approve the evaluation summary.
Report for Information: Contract Reviews - November 20, 2020- November 30, 2020
School board members reviewed recent contracts for goods and services equaling less than $50,000.
Report for Information: Community Engagement Services
The school board reviewed a recommendation to select a Community Engagement vendor to assist in referendum planning. The selected firm will conduct community surveys to measure the attitudes and opinions of residents and parents related to possible levy and bond requests. See the action item below.
Report for Information: Municipal Advisor Services
The school board reviewed a recommendation to select a Municipal Advisor to assist in referendum planning. The selected vendor will provide financial analysis, as well as structure, issuance, and management of debt related to possible referendum requests. See the action item below.
Action Item: Community Engagement Services
The school board voted 4-3 to approve a contract with Baker Tilly Virchow Krause, LLP to assist in referendum planning.
Action Item: Municipal Advisor Services
The school board voted 4-3 to approve a contract with Ehlers, Public Finance Advisors to assist in referendum planning.
Action Items: 2019-2021 Terms and Conditions of Employment ]
In separate motions, the school board voted 6-0 with one abstention to approve updated terms and conditions for four of the district’s employee groups including:
- Tech Support
- Coordinators/Supervisors/Specialists (CSS)
- District Directors, Managers, and Program Administrators
- Community Ed Leads and Assistants
In each of the agreements, salary schedules were increased by 0% in year one and 1.5% in year two and some language changes were made.
Action Item: Course Additions, Revisions, and Deletions
The school board voted unanimously to approve name changes for 7 high school course, as well as 3 course revisions and 5 new courses including: Ethnic and Cultural Studies; Pathways Global Elective- Directed Study; PE/Health- Personal Leadership; PE/Health- Careers in Physical Education, Exercise Science, and Sport; and Fish and Wildlife II. All of the changes will take effect for the 2021-2022 school year.
Action Item: Change School Board meeting time on December 17, 2020
The board voted 7-0 to approve a change to the school board meeting time on December 17 from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Action Item: Superintendent Contract Negotiation
The board voted 4-3 to authorize Chair Stivland and Director Petrie to enter into negotiation with interim superintendent Lansfeldt for a new three year superintendent contract. The current contract for the interim superintendent is due to expire June 30, 2021.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.