12/9/21 Business Meeting
Board Meeting Notes
At the start of the meeting the school board recognized students for outstanding accomplishments:
- High school journalist Sophia Arndt, who was named a finalist in the National Scholastic Press Association individual story contest for her feature “Becoming myself: Brendon Rich”. This is an incredibly competitive contest with only 9 students from across the country recognized in this category.
- Stillwater MTB mountain bike team, which claimed its 4th straight state title. The middle school team also rode to a state championship. The teams both not only earned first place at the Mt. Kato All Team Season Finale, but both also earned first place in the Team Season Standings (total points for the whole season).
Report for Information: Truth in Taxation 2021 Payable 2022
The district held its annual Truth in Taxation public hearing during the board meeting. Each December the district is required to present its budget and levy to the community and provide a time for public comment. The report included information about the district’s preliminary budget for 2021-2022 as well as details about the voter-approved and non-voter approved levies paid for by taxpayers. The school board will certify the levy at its Dec. 21 school board meeting.
Report for Information: ESSER Funds and Pandemic Response Plan
School board members received an update on how one-time state and federal COVID-19 grants are being invested to support our students. The district is hiring some additional social workers/psychologists, academic interventionists, health staff and other support people to help address gaps - both academic and social/emotional - that have emerged as a result of the pandemic. The new temporary staff will be hired for the start of Semester 2.
Report for Information: First Reading Policy 204 – School Board Meeting Minutes
School board members reviewed policy 204: School Board Meeting Minutes as part of a first reading. The policy will come back for a second reading at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Second Reading Policy 514 - Bullying Prohibition
School board members reviewed policy 514: Bullying Prohibition as part of a second reading. The policy will come back for a final reading at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Superintendent Search
The school board will be requesting proposals for a search firm to lead a process to select a permanent superintendent. The search will take place this winter with the goal of selecting a permanent leader this spring. The superintendent would begin work July 1, 2022.
Action Item: Audit presentation
School board members voted 7-0 to approve the 2020-2021 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report, upon which the annual audit is based. The district is required to have an annual independent financial audit and to submit audited financial data to the commissioner of the Minnesota Department of Education and to the Office of the State Auditor. This year’s audit was conducted by CliftonLarsonAllen LLP (CLA) and the district received a "clean" or unmodified opinion on its annual audit of basic financial statements. The full audit will be posted online.
Action Item: Attendance Boundary
The school board voted 6-1 to approve boundary change option “A”, which moves approximately 200 students out of Lake Elmo Elementary to Brookview and Rutherford. It also sends about 180 open and alternately enrolled students back to their home schools. As part of the boundary change plan any child displaced by a boundary change will have priority to apply back to their chosen school through alternate enrollment. Next year’s 5th and 8th grade students will also be allowed to stay in their current school so they can finish out their final year in that building. Learn more.
Course Change Proposals
School board members voted 6-1 to approve several course changes for the 2022-2023 school year, including 4 course name changes: (1) Introduction to Unified Physical Education and Lifetime Recreation, which is an 8th grade physical education elective; (2) CIS Introductory College Physics; (3) Fundamentals of Applied Design; and (4) CIS Human Physiology, Technology, and Medical Devices. They also approved 2 new courses: (1) Orientation to Education and (2) Education Field Experience CAPS Course and a substantive curriculum change to Earth Science 6 at the middle schools.
Revoke Policy 201.2 – Guiding Principles
School board members voted 7-1 to revoke policy 201.2: Board Guiding Principles.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.