12/9/21 Work Session
World’s Best Workforce (WBWF) Public Meeting and Site Improvement Plan Learning Session Notes
The district held its annual World’s Best Workforce Public Meeting to review progress on the WBWF plan and the Achievement and Integration plan. View the plan. The state requires districts to develop a comprehensive, long-term strategic plan to support and improve teaching and learning and address 5 key goals:
- All children are ready for school
- All 3rd graders can read at grade level
- All racial and economic achievement gaps between students are closed
- All students are ready for college and career
- All students graduate from high school.
Following the WBWF meeting, the school board held a learning session to learn how each school is working to meet the needs of students. Principals from all levels shared information about their School Improvement Plans, including their goals for the year and the strategies staff are implementing to help meet those goals. They also discussed ways the school board could support their work moving forward.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.