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2/25/21 Business Meeting

2/25/21 Business Meeting

Agenda and Materials Revised


Meeting Notes

The following is an unofficial summary of the meeting.

During the Superintendent’s Report at the beginning of the meeting, Superintendent Lansfeldt shared that she is working with district staff to determine if it would be possible to allow audience members to attend fine arts events. Staff are reviewing guidelines from the CDC and the Minnesota Department of Health as well as calculating venue capacities. More information will be shared as it becomes available.

Superintendent Lansfeldt also announced plans to conduct an appraisal of the Withrow School property. 

Report for Information: On the Dial Learning Update
Superintendent Lansfeldt provided an update on new state guidelines encouraging the return of secondary students to school. She presented an overview of the district’s plan to adjust the Return To School timeline for students in grades 6-12. The school board held a special meeting on February 23 to consider this request. Watch the presentation. The revised timeline was also listed as an action item on the agenda (see below).

Report for Information: Contract Reviews - February 5, 2021- February 18, 2021 
School board members reviewed recent contracts for goods and services equaling less than $50,000. 

Report for Information: Budget Assumptions 
The school board received an update on the 2021-2022 General Fund budget development timeline, and also shared the budget assumptions that are in place to help build next year’s budget - including both revenue and expenditure assumptions. He cautioned board members that a conservative approach will need to be taken for next year. At this time, the district is assuming a 0% increase in per-pupil formula allowance from the state, as well as a decrease in student enrollment. Use of the district’s Fund Balance may be required to partially offset the lack of funding increases at the local, state and federal levels

Report for Information: Policy Work Update
School board members received an update on the Policy Work Group. The work group, made up of three board members with support from district administrators, will guide the process to review and revise School Board Policies. The group will meet each Wednesday at noon one week prior to School Board meetings, beginning March 3. Priority actions will include: Alignment of policy numbering system; Reviewing mandatory policies and developing a policy review cycle. The Policy Working Group will bring recommendations to the full school board for review and action.

Report for Information: Boundary Realignment for Neighborhoods 32B North and 32B South 
The board received information regarding a proposed attendance boundary realignment for an existing housing development, as well as a proposed development, at the corner of Hudson Road and Settlers Ridge Parkway in Woodbury. The majority of the area is currently within the Lake Elmo Elementary attendance boundary, but there is a small portion that is zoned for Brookview Elementary. Administration is recommending the housing developments attend Lake Elmo Elementary and has asked the board to consider adjusting the 32B North and 32B South boundaries accordingly. The board is expected to take action on the recommendation at a future meeting.

Action Items: SCEA contract 
School board members voted 5-2 to approve the Master Contract with the St. Croix Education Association, which represents the district’s teachers. The new contract covers the period of July 1, 2019 through June 30, 2021. Under the terms of the contract, the salary schedule was increased by 0% in year one and 4.2% in year two.

Action Items: CST Addendum
Board members voted 7-0 to approve an amended transportation contract with Contractor Collaborative Student Transportation (CSTMN), the vendor that provides van service for specialized programming. The contract states that the district will pay 84% of the contracted rates currently in place for previously scheduled school days that transportation was not provided due to COVID-19. CSTMN will use the funds to continue paying personnel utilized in the service of this contract.

Action Items: Learning Model Change
School board members voted 6-1 to approve a revised Return To School timeline. Based on this new timeline, all students in grades 6-8 and GATE will return to school for in-person learning on March 1. All of our high school students (grades 9-12) will return on March 8. March 4 and 5 will be transition days for teachers and students in grades 9-12 will not have school. Secondary students will attend school Monday through Thursday and continue to learn from home on Fridays. 


stillwater pony head

Additional Meeting Notes