2/6/20 Business Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an unofficial summary of the meeting.
At the start of the meeting, the school board recognized several students who participated in the Nobel Conference on climate change. Students shared with the board reflections on their experience at the conference, as well as the work they are doing in our own community to promote sustainability as a result of what they learned.
Report for Information - 2021—2024 Achievement and Integration Plan
School board members received a report on the Three-Year Achievement and Integration Plan, which would be in effect July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2023. Additional information was shared with the board as part of a Jan. 23 work session. The district receives funding from the state of Minnesota to support voluntary integration and provide opportunities for professional learning, family and community engagement, college and career readiness and student programming. A requirement of the funding is that the district submit the plan to the Minnesota Department of Education for their review and approval processes. The school board will be asked to approve a plan as part of the Feb. 20 board meeting. A final plan must be submitted to the state by March 15, 2020.
Report for Information - Demographic Study Quotes
The board has requested a new demographic study be completed to help in future decisions related to attendance boundaries and facilities planning. The study would provide the district with a detailed enrollment forecast for the next seven years. During the meeting, school board members reviewed proposals for a demographic study from three different vendors, including:
- Davis Demographics: $23,750
- Hazel Reinhardt Consulting Service: $19,250
- TeamWorks International: $15,000
The board is expected to consider accepting one of the proposals at a future meeting.
Action Item - Final Reading: 521 – Student Disability Nondiscrimination
School board members approved Policy 521 - Student Disability Nondiscrimination.
Action Item - Approval District Service Consultants
School board members approved a motion to table action on the list of district service consultants. Board members asked that the list be sent to the Finance Working Group for further discussion before bringing it back to the rest of the board for action.
Action Item - Change in Elementary Start/Stop Times for 2020-2021
School board members approved a resolution to change elementary schools’ daily schedules at six of our buildings. Beginning for the 2020-2021 school year, all elementary schools will be in session from 8:45 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. (Stonebridge is currently on this schedule.) This five minute change will put all of our elementary schools on the same schedule, which will increase efficiency for specialists shared between school buildings. The change could also have a potentially positive impact on transportation costs.