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3/17/2022 Business Meeting

3/17/2022 Business Meeting

Agenda and Materials


Meeting Notes

At the beginning of the meeting the school board recognized the state championship Unified Basketball team. The team is made up of Special Olympic athletes and their partners without disabilities.

Action Item: Final Reading Policy 414 - Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse
School board members voted 7-0 to approve policy 414 - Mandated Reporting of Child Neglect or Physical or Sexual Abuse. 

Action Item: Final Reading Policy 415 - Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults
School board members voted 7-0 to approve policy 415 - Mandated Reporting of Maltreatment of Vulnerable Adults

Action Item: Second Reading Policy 201.7 – Board Job Description 
School board members voted 7-0 to revoke policy 201.7 as it is redundant with policy 201, which was approved at the March 3 board meeting. Pieces of the revoked policy are also covered in existing policies 208 and 302.

Action: Second Reading Policy 201.10 – Board Resignation/Vacancy 
School board members voted 7-0 to revoke policy 201.10, as it is redundant with policy 215 of the same name. Policy 215 was approved at the March 3 board meeting.

Report for Information: 2021-2022 Revised General Fund Budget 
The school board was presented with the 2021-2022 revised budget, which is an update to the preliminary budget approved by the board last summer. Changes from the preliminary budget include things like contract settlements, COVID expenditures, enrollment and staffing changes,  inflation and increased costs for transportation, substitutes and utilities. The 2021-2022 revised budget will be presented to the school board as an action item at a future meeting.

Report for Information: ESSER Update
School board members received an update on how one-time state and federal COVID-19 grants are being invested to support our students. The district will receive nearly $5 million in funds to help address learning loss, support student mental health, provide COVID tests, and cover other pandemic related expenses. The district has built a plan to spend the funds over the next two years.

Report for Information: First Reading Policy 211 – Criminal or Civil Actions Against School District, School Board Members, Employee or Student 
School board members reviewed policy 211 as part of a first reading. The policy will come back for a second reading at a future meeting.

stillwater pony head

Additional Meeting Notes