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3/25/21 Business Meeting

3/25/21 Business Meeting

Agenda and Materials Revised


Board Meeting Notes

The following is an unofficial summary of the meeting.

The school board recognized Milan Jostes, a Stillwater Area High School senior, who recently competed in the US National Speedskating championship. He raced the 500m men in 41.07 seconds, which placed him 26th in the nation.

Report for Information: District Leadership and School Board Professional Development 
The board learned about professional development opportunities that will be provided to the District Leadership Team and school board members in the coming months. The series of trainings will be led by Paula Forbes, an attorney, trainer, facilitator and coach who has worked with school districts across the state in areas of team building, action planning, change management and equity. 

Report for Information: Contract Reviews - March 5, 2021 - March 18, 2021
School board members reviewed recent contracts for goods and services equaling less than $50,000. 

Report for Information: In-Person School Board Meeting Update
School board members discussed options to safely return to in-person school board meetings. Options all involved returning to Oak Park, which would provide the most space for physical distancing. The board could choose to meet in-person with a live audience restricted to about 30 people or they could choose to continue with a virtual-only audience. The board will take action on a plan to return to in-person meetings at the April 8 meeting.

Action Item: Policy Number Alignment
The school board voted 4-2 to approve a new policy numbering system that follows the Minnesota School Board Association Model Policies.

stillwater pony head

Additional Meeting Notes