4/22/21 Business Meeting
Work Session Notes
School board members held a work session to dig deeper into the results of a random-sample community survey conducted this winter to measure attitudes toward a referendum in the fall. Don Lifto, a consultant with the firm Baker Tilly, was on hand to answer questions and discuss strategies with the board as they plan for the levy referendum.
Business Meeting Notes
The following is an unofficial summary of the meeting.
The school board recognized Alex Steil, a Stillwater Area High School senior. Alex was recently named Minnesota Journalist of the Year Finalist and has been selected among the top 3 Journalist of the Year Finalists for the state of Minnesota. In addition to being recognized for excellence in journalism, the gifted musician also received the high school orchestra department’s James D. Hainlen Award - a $1,000 scholarship created to honor a graduating senior who demonstrates the highest standards of musicianship, character, leadership, and service.
Report for Information: Contract Reviews - April 2, 2021- April 15, 2021
School board members reviewed recent contracts for goods and services equaling less than $50,000.
Report for Information: Federal CARES Funding Update
School board members received an update on the three major pieces of the Federal Corona Virus funding legislation provided to school districts. The district will receive a total of about $5.6 million in one-time funds to help support the unexpected costs of the pandemic. These funds have helped pay for things like emergency childcare and meals for students learning at home, temporary staff, technology devices and internet hotspots for students, personal protective equipment, cleaning supplies, etc.
Report for Information: Racial and Educational Equity Resolution
School board members learned about work underway to draft a Racial and Educational Equity Resolution. The resolution would formally affirm the district’s commitment to provide safe, welcoming and inclusive learning environments for all students, and serve as a foundation to create a better educational experience for our students of color. District administrators will be engaging with various stakeholders to draft a resolution, which will be brought to the board for consideration in May.
Report for Information: First Policy Reading (704, 705, 706, 714)
School board members reviewed several policies as part of a first reading. These included: Policy 704 Development and Maintenance of an Inventory of Fixed Assets and a Fixed Asset Accounting System; Policy 705 - Investments (previously R 5.5 Investments); Policy 706 – Acceptance of Gifts (previously R 4.6.12 Gifting); and Policy 714 – Fund Balances (previously R 5.4 Fund Balance). The policies will come back for second readings at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Second Policy Reading (701, 701.1, 702, 703)
School board members reviewed several policies as part of a second reading. These included: Policy 701- Establishment and Adoption of School District Budget ; 701.1- Modification of School District Budget; 702–Accounting; 703–Annual Audit. The policies will come back as an action item at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Memorandum of Agreements with Cafeteria Employees’ Organization; Tech Support and Coordinators/Supervisors/Specialists (CSS); Community Ed Leads and Assistants; District Directors, Managers, and Program Administrators
School board members discussed increasing salary matrices for several employee groups who settled contracts previously to match the settlements of the more recently approved St. Croix Education Association (teachers), Custodians and Principals group contracts. This is expected to come back to the board as an action item at the May 13 board meeting.
Action Item: Architectural Engineering Services
School board members voted 7-0 to approve a contract with Wold Architects & Engineers to assist in planning for a potential bond referendum, and if a bond is approved in the future, provide designs for new and/or renovated buildings in the district. The board is currently planning to hold a bond election in 2022, following a levy referendum in November 2021.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.