4/23/20 Business Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an informal summary of the meeting.
Report for Information: Distance Learning/COVID-19 Update
Superintendent Pontrelli provided an update on the district’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. She shared information about numerous efforts underway to support families through distance learning, including online support groups and counseling options and a series of webinars designed for parents. The board also learned more about student attendance during distance learning and heard about the options being considered for high school graduation.
Report for Information: Second Reading Policy 406 – Public and Private Personnel Data
School board members reviewed the Public and Private Personnel Data policy as part of a second reading. The policy will come back for action at a future board meeting.
Report for Information: CliftonLarsonAllen LLP Auditor Engagement Letter
Per auditing standards, the school board reviewed an engagement letter from CliftonLarsonAllen LLP, which explains the basic services they will perform in conjunction with our upcoming audit. The board voted at a previous meeting to approve the auditing firm as the district auditor for fiscal year ending June 30, 2020.
Report for Information: Web Redesign Contract
School board members received a report on plans to redesign the district/school websites and reviewed a contract with a new website vendor. The multi-year website vendor contract would replace the existing website hosting and maintenance costs. The one-time costs associated with designing and building the new site have already been built into the 2019-2020 budget. The board will be asked to take action on the contract at the May 14 meeting.
Action Items: Stillwater Middle School Partial Roof Replacement and Stillwater Area High School Wall Panel Installation School board members approved a roof replacement project at Stillwater Middle and Stillwater Area High School. Funding for this project is part of the approved FY 2021 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance funding. Work will take place over the summer.
Action Items: District Wide Building Renovation
The school board approved several building renovations to take place over the summer. All of these projects are part of the FY 2021 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance program. The projects include:
- Afton-Lakeland Elementary: Replace flooring, casework, chalkboards, sinks, toilets, water lines and provide ADA restrooms in two kindergarten classrooms.
- Lily Lake Elementary: Replace casework, flooring, sinks, lighting and demountable partitions in ASD area; Replace toilets, sinks, plumbing lines and ceramic tile in two classroom hallway areas and cafeteria area. Reconfigure toilet areas to provide ADA restrooms in each of these locations.
- Stillwater Middle School: Replace ceilings, lighting, sinks, ductwork and HVAC coils in art rooms; replace dust collection system; remove glass trophy cases in main circulation area.
- Stonebridge Elementary: Replace operable walls, chalkboards, case work, sinks and domestic water branch lines in 3 classrooms. Replace ceiling, lights, flooring and wall covering in special education large motor room. Provide ADA access to special education large motor room. Replace main domestic water lines throughout building
Action Items: Stillwater Area High School Tuck Pointing
The school board approved a tuck pointing project on the exterior auditorium wall at Stillwater Area High School. Tuck pointing includes the replacing of mortar between bricks in order to prevent water from seeping into the wall. The project will be funded by the 2021 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance fund. The work will be completed over the summer.
Action Items: Oak-Land Middle School Tile Replacement
Based on a recommendation from the administration, the school board approved a motion to withdraw this item from the agenda and direct administration to re-bid the project to address some inconsistencies discovered in the bids.
Action Items: Transportation Contract and Lease Agreement
NOTE: The school board held a work session on April 22 to discuss the district’s transportation contract. You can view an archived video of the work session online. School board members discussed a recommendation from transportation consultant Jan Vanderwall to approve a four year transportation contract with Minnesota Central School Bus, the district’s current transportation vendor. The current transportation contract expires at the end of this school year. Several board members discussed concerns they had with the bidding process and uncertainty regarding the future of the district’s current transportation terminal. Ultimately, board members approved a motion to direct administration to negotiate with MTN, MN Central and MN Coaches for a transportation contract beginning August 1, 2020 to include pricing with a district terminal and without a district terminal in both a one year and four year format.
Action Items: Proposed Approach for all New Hires
In light of uncertainty regarding how COVID-19 might impact future state funding and the district’s budget, the school board voted to pause all new hiring - excluding teachers and special education paraprofessionals - until May 15. The intent is for the board to work with the administration to gather more information about future budget impacts and develop a strategy to move forward.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.