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4/8/21 Work Session

4/8/21 Work Session

Work Session Materials

Work Session Notes

The school board continued discussions related to its financial and facility needs and future referendums. 

  • Board members discussed the timing of a bond election and weighed the pros and cons of a February or August 2022 election. 
  • Board members received an overview of the expiring levy and its impact, reviewed ongoing funding needs and considered options/timelines to increase revenue. The district has just one chance - November 2, 2021 - to approve a new levy or lose about $12 million. Board members learned that a simple renewal of the levy is not enough. As a result of inflation, rising costs, and state funding shortfalls, the district would need at least $13 million to replace the expiring levy and another $1.9 million to support current programs and initiatives that are currently in place but lack ongoing funding. Any new programming the school board would like to implement would require additional dollars. 

The board will hold another work session on April 22 to gather more information as it works to reach a decision later this spring on what to include in a November 2021 operating levy request.

stillwater pony head

Additional Meeting Notes