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4/9/20 Business Meeting

4/9/20 Business Meeting

Agenda & Materials



Meeting Notes

The following is an informal summary of the meeting.

The school board held its first Zoom meeting in accordance with the Governor’s executive Stay At Home orders. Here are a few things for you to know from the board meeting. You can find materials from the school board meeting and an archived video of the meeting online.

Report for Information: COVID-19 Response and Update
Superintendent Pontrelli provided an update on the district’s response to the COVID-19 pandemic. She highlighted the work that has been underway to support distance learning, including the professional development and training provided to staff and the many supports and resources provided to families. She also gave an update on the work of our special education team, technology and health services staff, and shared new statistics about emergency childcare and food distribution.

Report for Information: 2020 Roof Replacement at Stillwater Middle School and Stillwater Area High School 

School board members received a report on the roof replacement project at Stillwater Middle and Stillwater Area High School scheduled to take place over the summer. Construction costs for this project were estimated to be $590,000 and are part of the approved FY 2021 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance funding. The board is expected to take action to approve a bid for this project at its next meeting.

Report for Information: District Wide Building Renovation 

The school board received a report on building renovations that are scheduled to take place over the summer. All of these projects are part of the FY 2021 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance program and are currently budgeted at $1,766,000. The board is expected to take action on this item at its next meeting. The projects include:

  • Afton-Lakeland Elementary: Replace flooring, casework, chalkboards, sinks, toilets, water lines and provide ADA restrooms in two kindergarten classrooms.
  • Lily Lake Elementary: Replace casework, flooring, sinks, lighting and demountable partitions in ASD area; Replace toilets, sinks, plumbing lines and ceramic tile in two classroom hallway areas and cafeteria area. Reconfigure toilet areas to provide ADA restrooms in each of these locations. 
  • Stillwater Middle School: Replace ceilings, lighting, sinks, ductwork and HVAC coils in art rooms; replace dust collection system; remove glass trophy cases in main circulation area. 
  • Stonebridge Elementary: Replace operable walls, chalkboards, case work, sinks and domestic water branch lines in 3 classrooms. Replace ceiling, lights, flooring and wall covering in special education large motor room. Provide ADA access to special education large motor room. Replace main domestic water lines throughout building

Report for Information: Stillwater Area High School Tuck Pointing 
The school board received a report on a tuck pointing project scheduled to take place on the exterior auditorium wall at Stillwater Area High School. Tuck pointing includes the replacing of mortar between bricks in order to prevent water from seeping into the wall. The budget for this project is $150,000 and will be funded by the 2021 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance fund. The board is expected to take action to approve a bid at the next meeting.

Report for Information: Oak-Land Middle School Tile Replacement 
The school board heard a report about a project to replace loose tile on the wall of the Oak-Land Middle School pool. The budget for this project is $85,000 and will be funded by the 2021 Long-Term Facilities Maintenance fund. The board is expected to take action at the next meeting.

Report for Information: First Reading – Policy 406 – Public and Private Personnel Data
School board members reviewed the Public and Private Personnel Data policy. The policy will come back for a second reading at the April 23 board meeting.

Action Item: District Wide Pavement Rehabilitation
School board members approved the district-wide pavement rehabilitation project scheduled to take place over the summer. The project will replace the west student parking lot and portion of the Grounds Department trail at Stillwater Area High School; sealcoat the main parking lot and bus area at Stillwater Middle School; sealcoat the parking lot, sealcoat the bus area, and overlay the overflow parking at Rutherford Elementary. The project came in under bid at $591,000. Funding for this project was included in the FY 2021 Long Term Facilities Maintenance Plan approved by the school board. 

Action Item: Health Insurance Renewals
The school board approved insurance renewal rates for the plan year effective July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. This includes employees medical, dental and vision insurance; life, supplemental life and long-term disability insurance; legal insurance; and an employee assistance program.

Closed Session
The school board approved a motion to move to close the meeting under Minnesota Statutes Section 13D.05, subdivision 3(b) due to the need for confidential communication with the District's legal counsel related to correspondence from an employee's attorney setting forth alleged legal claims, requested action and threatened litigation.


stillwater pony head

Additional Meeting Notes