5/12/22 Business Meeting
Agenda and Materials - Revised (2)
School Board Meeting Notes
Prior to the board meeting, the school board held a learning session to learn how staff in our elementary schools are supporting students this year. Staff and administrators from several elementary schools shared information about the efforts underway to enhance literacy instruction. They also provided information about the academic, social and emotional supports in place to address learning loss and help students re-acclimate to full-time, in-person learning.
At the beginning of the school board meeting the school board recognized long-time high school swim coach, Brian Luke, who was recently inducted into the Minnesota State High School League Hall of Fame.
Action Item: Resolution Approving General Obligation Facilities Maintenance Bonds
The board voted 4-1 (with two board members absent) to approve the Resolution to Issue General Obligation Facilities Maintenance Bonds, Series 2022A. The proceeds of the bonds will be used to finance certain projects included in the district’s ten-year facilities plan and related financing costs.
Action Item: Resolution Approving NE Metro 916 Long Term Facility Maintenance Budget
School board members vote 5-0 (with two board members absent) to approve the long-term facility maintenance budget for Northeast Metro 916. As a member of this consortium of school districts, Stillwater schools are responsible for a portion of the maintenance costs of 916’s facilities. Funding for the projects comes from a local non-voter approved levy. Our share of the annual costs for NE Metro 916 will be $26,990.
Action Item: District Wide One-to-One Device Purchase
School board members voted 5-0 (with two board members absent) to approve the purchase of 5,000 Chromebooks to support the district’s new 1-to-1 device program. Funding for the purchase will come from the capital projects technology levy, which was approved by voters in the fall. Current district devices will be assigned to students in elementary classrooms. Newly purchased devices will be assigned to students in grades 6-12 starting in the 2022- 2023 school year. These devices will be used to access learning resources and administer standardized assessments
Action Item: Approval of Policy 202 – School Board Officers
School board members voted 5-0 (with two board members absent) to approve Policy 202 - School Board Officers.
Action Item: Revoke Policy 201.8 – Board Organization and Officers Roles
School board members voted 5-0 (with two board members absent) to revoke Policy 201.8 - Board Organizations and Officers Roles, as the policy was redundant to the newly approved Policy 202.
Report for Information: Review of 2021-22 Budget Expenditure Update
School board members received an update on the district’s budget expenditures. The report compared expenditures from the current year with those from the previous year at the same time.
Report for Information: Professional Development Update
School board members received an update on the most recent professional development day, which was held April 15.
Report for Information: Science Curriculum Update
School board members learned about the state’s new science standards and received an update on how the curriculum will be implemented over the next several years to align with the standards.
Report for Information: Second Reading Policy 201.9 - Board Working Groups and Policy 213 - School Board Committees
School board members reviewed policies 201.9 and 213 as part of a second reading. The policies are redundant and the Policy Committee is recommending that Policy 201.9 be revoked when Policy 213 is approved. The policies will come back for action at a future meeting.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.