5/13/21 Business Meeting
The following is an unofficial summary of the meeting.
At the start of the meeting the school board recognized Stillwater Area High School Wrestler Ryder Rogotzke. Ryder is a 10th grader at the high school and will be one of just 10 wrestlers representing the USA at the World Games in Budapest Hungary this summer. They also recognized the Stillwater Middle School First Lego League team that earned first place in the state robot competition. Gaters 2.0 competed among the top 40 teams in Minnesota. They designed an Ev3 robot, programmed it to perform missions, and created a project to solve the problem of people not getting enough exercise. The team placed 1st in creative presentation and also earned the 3rd highest score in the robot performance run.
Report for Information: Contract Reviews - April 16, 2021- May 6, 2021
School board members reviewed recent contracts for goods and services equaling less than $50,000.
Report for Information: Review of 2020-21 General Fund Budget
The school board received an update on the current year’s budget, which has been adjusted to reflect many changes due to COVID-19, contract settlements and other factors. The information provides a starting point for the school board as they look to the upcoming budget cycle and the conclusion of the current fiscal year.
Report for Information: Second Policy Reading (704, 705, 706, 714)
School board members reviewed several policies as part of a second reading. These included: Policy 704 Development and Maintenance of an Inventory of Fixed Assets and a Fixed Asset Accounting System; Policy 705 - Investments (previously R 5.5 Investments); Policy 706 – Acceptance of Gifts (previously R 4.6.12 Gifting); and Policy 714 – Fund Balances (previously R 5.4 Fund Balance). The policies will come back for a final reading and action at a future meeting.
Report for Information: First Policy Reading (721)
School board members reviewed Policy 721 Uniform Grant Guidance Policy Regarding Federal Revenue Sources. The revised policy was previously SR 1.26. The policy will come back for a second reading at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Sale Day Report for the Certificate of Participation
School board members received the sale of bond information and the resolution concerning the sale of Certificate of Participation to fund an expansion for Brookview Elementary. The bidder with the lowest True Interest Cost (TIC) rate of 1.61% is Baird in Milwaukee - this is lower than the 1.78% presale estimate. With the lower interest rate, total lease levies for the Certificates over 15 years will be about $124,000 lower than previously estimated and the annual lease levy amounts will be lower by an average of approximately $8,000 per year.
Action Item: Resolution providing sale of the Certificate of Participation
The school board voted 5-1 to approve the sale of the Certificate of Participation to fund construction of an expansion to Brookview Elementary School.
Action Items: Memorandum of Agreements with Cafeteria Employees’ Organization; Tech Support and Coordinators/Supervisors/Specialists (CSS); Community Ed Leads and Assistants; District Directors, Managers, and Program Administrators
School board members voted 6-0 to approve increasing salary matrices for several employee groups who settled contracts previously to match the settlements of the more recently approved St. Croix Education Association (teachers), Custodians and Principals group contracts. With the action, the Cafeteria Employees’ Organization; Tech Support and Coordinators/Supervisors/Specialists (CSS); District and Directors, Managers, and Program Administrators Contracts will receive an increase to their 2020-21 Matrix by 2.7%, so it will match the 4.2% other groups received. The Community Ed Leads and Assistants will receive an increase to their 2021-22 Matrix by 2.7%, so it will also match the 4.2% other groups received.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.