5/26/2022 Business Meeting
School Board Meeting Notes
Prior to the board meeting, the school board held a learning session to learn about the district’s Educational Technology Plan. The plan identifies the learning technology priorities for the next several years and outlines how funds from the new technology levy will be allocated. The plan focuses on anytime anywhere learning and ensures that all students and staff have access to reliable technology. The full Educational Technology plan is available online at stillwaterschools.org/technology.
At the beginning of the school board meeting the school board recognized Riddhi Singhvi, a Stillwater Middle School student who will be competing in the National Broadcom MASTERS STEM Competition in June 2022. She won several awards at this year’s Minnesota State Science and Engineering Fair for her project, “Development of Artificial Pancreas Model to Optimize Insulin Dosage.”
Action Item: Increase in Nutrition Service Costs
School board members voted 6-0 to approve a 20 cent increase in meal prices, effective July 1, 2022. The new price for breakfast will be $1.60 for elementary students and $1.70 for secondary students. The new price for lunch will be $2.95 for elementary, $3.15 for middle school and $3.20 for high school. Prices will also increase by 20 cents for all adult meals. The price adjustment is in response to increased food and supply costs, as well as new delivery charges which we previously haven’t had to pay.
Action Item: Approval of Policy 213 - School Board Committees
School board members voted 6-0 to approve Policy 213 - School Board Committees.
Action Item: Revoke Policy 201.9 - Board Working Groups
School board members voted 6-0 to revoke Policy 201.9 - Board Working Groups, as it is redundant with Policy 213.
Action Item: Vendor and Trustee Change for VEBA/Health Reimbursement Accounts
School board members voted 6-0 to approve the vendor and trustee Change for the district’s employee health reimbursement accounts. The new carrier, OneBridge, will take over management of VEBA and flex spending accounts for medical and daycare expenses beginning July 1. The former carrier was acquired by another firm and no longer offers VEBA accounts.
Report for Information: Transportation Update
District leaders shared an update with the school board about plans to restore bus service for next year to pre-pandemic levels. At this time, the district’s new transportation vendor has guaranteed service to 70 routes, which is an improvement from the 65 routes in service currently. Their goal is to bring us back to pre-pandemic services (79 routes) as soon as possible. Administration presented a plan to utilize the 70 routes to return service to elementary and middle school students at pre-pandemic levels and keep the high school levels where they’ve been this year. They also discussed options to provide a Hub Stop option for GATE families living outside of the Stillwater Middle School (SMS) attendance area. The board asked administration to continue exploring ways to restore busing for GATE students. Staff will continue to develop options, as well as work with the vendor to try to secure more buses and drivers. An update on their progress will be shared with the board at a future meeting.
At the end of the meeting, the school board moved to closed sessions: (1) to review pending litigation and (2) to discuss negotiations.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.