6/10/21 Special Board Meeting
Business Meeting Notes
The following is an unofficial summary of the meeting.
At the start of the meeting the school board recognized several groups of students for a variety of accomplishments this year, including:
- High school students Thuha Al-Dokhl and Shahd Abouhekel, who worked with elementary media specialists to create a lesson using the book Under My Hijab by Hena Khan. The pair created a video that was shown to all elementary students in the district to explain what hijab is and why someone may wear it. In the video, they showed the younger students the different ways to wear the hijab, and talked about their experiences wearing it - both the positive and negative.
- The Stillwater Black bowling team, which took first place in the Class AA Junior Varsity State Tournament. Team members are Matthew Meyer, Ashley Gorman, CJ Walsh, Logan Schulte and Lexi Peterson.
- Students in the Bridge Transition program who had a successful showing at the SkillsUSA Minnesota State Championship and Leadership Conference. They swept the Employment Application Process competition with Nevyn Pflugradt winning gold, Chazz Massey earning silver and Juan Malon awarded bronze. SkillsUSA is a partnership of students, teachers and industry working together to ensure America has a skilled workforce.
Report for Information: Read Well by Third Grade
The school board heard a report on the Read Well by Third Grade Plan, which provides an overview of how the district is working to ensure reading proficiency for students. The plan outlines the district’s assessment process, interventions, professional development and more. The state requires the district to have a plan in place, and for it to be annually reviewed and approved by the school board. The board is expected to vote on the plan at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Contract Reviews – May 21, 2021- June 3, 2021
School board members reviewed recent contracts for goods and services equaling less than $50,000.
Report for Information: OPEB Levy
The school board discussed the district’s Other Post Employee Benefits liability, which are the benefits that the district is obligated to pay its retirees. Administration is recommending the district levy taxpayers a maximum of $800,000 through a non-voter approved levy to help fund its obligations. The board is expected to vote on the OPEB levy at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Q-Comp Levy
The school board received information about an option it has to levy taxpayers through a non-voter approved levy to fund the Q-comp program. Q-comp is a voluntary program through the state that allows districts to develop a plan to reward teachers for performance and professional development. Administration is recommending the district levy taxpayers $825,000 through a non-voter approved levy to help cover the costs of professional development and other student supports. The board is expected to vote on the Q-Comp levy at a future meeting.
Report for Information: 2021-22 Preliminary Budget Report
School board members reviewed the preliminary general fund budget for the 2021-2022 school year. A preliminary budget must be approved each year by June 30. The budget is based on a set of assumptions including, but not limited to, enrollment projections and current law and regulations. The board will take action on the preliminary general fund budget at a future meeting.
Report for Information: LTFM Fiscal Year 2023
School board members were presented with a comprehensive list of projects that qualify for long-term facility maintenance funding. Items on the list were identified by our staff across the district and include routine maintenance and repairs to keep our buildings in good condition. Approval of the prioritized list will be requested of the board at a future meeting, and a final 10-year plan will be submitted to the Minnesota Department of Education for approval. Projects on this list are reviewed annually.
Report for Information: Withrow School and Kern Properties Report
School board members reviewed a recommendation by administration to list two district-owned properties for sale: Withrow School in Hugo and the 3.72 acre Kern Property located on Memorial Avenue across from the high school. Proceeds from the sale of the properties could be used to fund other construction or building improvement projects in the district. Administration will ask the board to approve a Request for Quotes (RFQ) to identify a realtor to list these properties at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Superintendent Evaluation
The school board chair provided a summary of the board’s evaluation of the Interim Superintendent Malinda Lansfeldt. A copy of the evaluation will be placed in the superintendent’s personnel file.
Action Item: Policy Approval (701, 701.1, 702, 703, 704, 706, 714, 721)
School board members voted 7-0 to approve several policies including Policy 701- Establishment and Adoption of School District Budget ; 701.1- Modification of School District Budget; 702–Accounting; 703–Annual Audit; Policy 704 Development and Maintenance of an Inventory of Fixed Assets and a Fixed Asset Accounting System; Policy 706 – Acceptance of Gifts (previously R 4.6.12 Gifting); and Policy 714 – Fund Balances (previously R 5.4 Fund Balance) and Policy 721 Uniform Grant Guidance Policy Regarding Federal Revenue Sources.
Action Item: Revoke Policy 721.1
School board members voted 5-2 to revoke Policy 721.1 Board Approval for Contracts and Expenditures.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.