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6/23/2022 Business Meeting

6/23/2022 Business Meeting

Agenda and materials Revised


Meeting Notes

At the beginning of the meeting, board members recognized interim superintendent Malinda Lansfeldt for leading the district during two very challenging years. 

Action Item: Long-Term Facilities Maintenance 10 Year Plan
School board members approved a comprehensive list of projects that qualify for long-term facility maintenance funding. Items on the list were identified by staff across the district and include routine maintenance and repairs to keep buildings in good condition. Projects on the list are reviewed annually and are paid in part from the state of Minnesota in combination with a local non-voter approved levy. The plan identifies about $9.535 million annually to fund building improvements. 

Action Item: 2022-2023 Preliminary Budget
School board members approved the preliminary general fund budget for the 2022-2023 school year. A preliminary budget must be approved each year by June 30. The budget is based on a set of assumptions including, but not limited to, enrollment projections and current law and regulations. 

Action Item: 2021-2023 Cafeteria Employees Master Contract
School board members approved an agreement with the cafeteria employees. The agreement covers the period of July 1, 2021 through June 30, 2023 and includes some language changes and improvements to salary and benefits. Under the terms of the agreement, the salary schedule was increased by 1.5% in year one and 2.75% in year two.

Action Item: 2022-2024: Terms and Conditions of Employment for Community Education Leads and Assistants
School board members approved terms and conditions of employment for childcare workers and individuals who work in the Community Education program. The agreement covers the period of July 1, 2022 through June 30, 2024 and includes some language changes and improvements to salary and benefits. The salary schedule was increased by 1.5% in year one and includes an additional $1 per hour on the salary matrix. The hourly increase was added to make these hard-to-fill positions more attractive and competitive. In year two of the agreement, the salary schedule will increase by 2.75%.

Report for Information: District Handbook
The school board received an update on the District’s Handbook, which informs parents and guardians of district policies and required notices, as well as the rights and responsibilities of our students and their guardians. The board will be asked to consider approval of the handbook at a future meeting.

stillwater pony head

Additional Meeting Notes