7/21/2022 Business Meeting
School Board Meeting Notes
Action Item: District Handbook
The school board voted 6-0 (with one member absent) to approve the District’s Handbook, which informs parents and guardians of district policies and required notices, as well as the rights and responsibilities of our students and their guardians.
Action Item: Resolution Calling the School District General Election and Resolution Calling Special Election to Fill School Board Vacancy
The school board voted 6-0 to approve a resolution calling for a general election on November 8, 2022 for the purpose of electing four school board members to four year terms. The seats currently held by members Pete Kelzenberg, Bev Petri, Tina Riehle, and Alison Sherman will expire December 31, 2022. The board also approved a resolution (6-0) calling for a special election to be held on November 8, 2022 to fill a vacancy (currently filled by Vivian Votava) that expires in January 2025.
Action Item: Resolution Appointing Elections Judges for the November 8, 2022 School District General Elections
The board voted 6-0 to approve a resolution to appoint election judges for the Nov. 8, 2022 election.
Action Item: Renewal of District Memberships 2022-2023
The school board voted 5-1 to approve the district’s annual memberships with the Minnesota School Boards Association. Services include policy formats, legal advice, election advice and legislative updates to support school districts and Boards of Education.
Board members voted 6-0 to approve the annual membership with Association of Metropolitan School Districts (AMSD). AMSD's primary task is to lobby at the state level for the needs of metropolitan school districts.
School board members voted 6-0 to approve a resolution for membership in the Minnesota State High School League.
Report for Information: Transition Remodel Update
School board members reviewed the plans for the Bridge Transition program remodel at the Oak Park Building. The project will create a new, specialized space for students in our 18-21 year old program. Construction on the project will begin this fall and is expected to wrap up spring 2023.
Report for Information: Transportation Update
School board members received a transportation update, which included a commitment from our new vendor to fully restore busing services for the 2022-2023 school year. Transportation services will return to pre-pandemic levels: Elementary (preK-5) = Students living .5 miles or further from school | Secondary (grades 6-12) = Students living 1 mile or further from school | GATE (Gifted and Talented Education) = Students living 1 mile or further from Stillwater Middle.
Report for Information: First Reading Policy 206 – Public Participation in School Board Meetings and Data Privacy Considerations
School board members reviewed policy 206 Public Participation in School Board Meetings and Data Privacy Considerations as part of a first reading. The policy will come back for a second reading at a future meeting.
Report for Information: First Reading Policy 207 – Public Hearings
School board members reviewed policy 207 Public Hearings as part of a first reading. The policy will come back for a second reading at a future meeting.
Report for Information: First Reading Policy 201.3 – Operating Norms
School board members reviewed policy 201.3 Operating Norms. The policy committee is recommending the policy be revoked, as much of it is redundant with other policies in the 200 series.
Report for Information: School Board Self-Evaluations
Board members discussed tools they might utilize to evaluate their performance and engage in professional development.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.