7/22/21 Business Meeting
Board Meeting Notes
Report for Information: First Policy Reading (731) Post Issuance Debt Compliance
School board members reviewed Policy 731: Post Issuance Debt Compliance as part of a first reading. The policy will come back for a second reading at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Third Policy Reading (705) Investments
School board members reviewed Policy 705 Investments as part of a third reading. The board is expected to take action on the policy at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Stillwater Middle School Gym Floor Removal and Abatement
School board members received an update on water damage that occurred at Stillwater Middle School as a result of a fire sprinkler pipe separating. To date, the district has incurred costs of $52,415 to remove water, mitigate water damage and prevent future indoor air quality issues. Additional costs will be incurred to replace the gym floor.
Action Item: Stillwater Middle School Gym Floor Removal and Abatement
School board members voted 6-0 to approve a bid to remove the water-damaged gym floor at Stillwater Middle School under a full asbestos containment. The cost will be submitted to the District’s insurance company for reimbursement. This abatement project will be funded through the Long-Term Facilities Maintenance fund and insurance coverage will be credited back to the same account.
Action Item: Paraprofessional Contract
School board members voted 4-1-1 to approve the 2020-2022 Master Contract for the St. Croix Paraprofessional Association.The new contract covers the period of July 1, 2020 through June 30, 2021. Under the terms of the contract, the salary schedule was increased by 0% in year one and 4.1% in year two.
Action Item: District Handbook
The school board voted 6-0 to approve the District’s Handbook, which informs parents and guardians of district policies and required notices, as well as the rights and responsibilities of our students and their guardians.
At the end of the school board meeting, Liz Weisberg announced that she will be resigning from the board effective immediately.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.