7/25/19 Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an informal summary of the meeting.
Report for Information: Illuminate Education
School board members reviewed the invoice for Illuminate Software Services. Illuminate is used as the district’s data warehouse. It provides teachers with common assessments they can use with students, stores student achievement results and is used by elementary teachers for student report cards. The school board is expected to vote on the invoice at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Stillwater Area High School Data Room Cooling Project
The school board reviewed a proposal to provide additional and redundant cooling to the district-wide head end room at Stillwater Area High School. This project will protect the district’s servers and equipment from overheating. The cost for installation of this system is $91,200 and will be paid for through the Bond Construction Fund. The purchase cost for the cooling equipment is an additional $42,500. The board is expected to vote on the proposal at a future meeting.
Action Item: Schoology Learning Management System Contract
School board members approved a five-year contract with Schoology. Schoology is a learning management system which allows teachers to keep track of student grades, give tests and assessments, and communicate with parents. Beginning this fall, all teachers in grades 6-12 will be using Schoology as the primary tool to manage and communicate student learning. As part of the presentation John Perry, director of technology and innovation, also addressed concerns raised by a community member during open forum related to student privacy concerns with Schoology.
Action Item: Sourcewell Technology Hybrid Access Network (Internet) 2019-20 Fiscal Year
School board members voted to approve the invoice for Sourcewell Technology, which provides internet service to the school district.
Action Item: Community Design Team Roster
School board members approved the roster for the Community Design Team, which is made up of parents, community members, staff and students. The design team will be asked to consider the district’s facilities needs and make recommendations to the school board on ways to enhance facilities to better support our students. The design team will begin meeting in September. Learn more and watch for the roster and meeting schedule to be posted shortly online.
Action Item: School Board Appointments for Community Design Team
School board members approved appointment of Mark Burns, Mike Ptacek and Sarah Stivland to represent the school board as part of the Community Design Team.
Action Item: District Handbook 2019-2020
The school board approved the 2019-2020 District Handbook. The handbook contains summaries of the various required notices, as well as an overview and links to relevant school board-approved policies. The District Handbook is published online, and families are directed to review the handbook and annually sign off that they’re familiar with its contents.
Action Item: Afton-Lakeland Elementary Playground Surfacing
School board members approved a project to install rubberized playground surfacing for the Afton-Lakeland preK and kindergarten playground. The cost of the surfacing is $58,787 and will be funded with proceeds from the 2015 voter-approved bond referendum. The school’s PTA will be paying for playground equipment updates.
Action Item: Community Engagement Working Group Meeting Calendar
The school board approved the Community Engagement Working Group’s meeting calendar. All of the meetings are open to the public. The calendar is available online.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.