8/16/21 Special Meeting
Special Meeting Notes
Action Item: Online Learning
The school board voted 6-0 to approve staffing for the K-5 online learning program. Funding for the online staffing, which is estimated at $250,000, will come from the ESSER II federal COVID-19 funds. The program will be offered under a state provisioning license designed to serve students not yet eligible for vaccination. A total of 139 students are currently registered for online learning.
At the end of the meeting, Board Chair Petri announced that the decision on a recommendation to require indoor masking for preK-8 will be made at the August 26 board meeting instead of during a special meeting on August 19. Two board members were not able to attend the work session on August 19 and the board wanted all members present for this important vote.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.