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8/20/19 Work Session 

8/20/19 Work Session 




Meeting Notes

The school board held a work session to discuss a possible Career Pathways program at the high school and also begin to develop school board priorities. During the session, Principal Rob Bach and members of the "Innovation Team" shared the work they've been doing to consider ways to better meet the needs of ALL students at the high school. They've been focusing on improving student achievement while also making lessons more relevant and increasing the opportunities for students to experience real-world learning beyond the classroom. 

The board also had a conversation about their hopes and dreams for the district and worked to create a list of their top priorities. Board members identified two possible priorities; (1) Developing career pathways at the high school and (2) Expanding opportunities for students prek-12, and plan to continue the conversation at a future session to further define their priorities.


stillwater pony head

Additional Meeting Notes