8/3/20 Special Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an informal summary of the meeting.
Report for Information: Smart ReStart Plan
School board members reviewed the district’s Smart reStart Return to Learning plan, which includes information about the three learning models - in-person, hybrid and distance learning - the district may implement this year. The plan also provided an overview of the safety protocols that will be in place to help mitigate the risk of COVID in our schools. View the plan online.
The board will be asked to approve a learning model to start the school year at the August 6 board meeting. Regardless of how we begin the year, board members and the public were reminded it is very likely we will have to shift between learning models at various times as COVID rates fluctuate. A 100% Online Learning model will be available for any family who is looking for a more consistent model or has concerns about returning to school in person. Families will be asked to complete an Intent to Return survey this week, and staff will also be asked to complete a Return to Work survey to help the district in it's planning. Emails with links to the survey will be sent out on Tuesday, August 4.
Action Item: Resolution to resolve election notice issue
School board members passed a resolution to authorize legal counsel to resolve an election notification issue. Due to an unintentional error, notice of the special school board election in November was not correctly posted in the Stillwater Gazette, the district’s official newspaper. The notice was posted correctly in numerous other locations, but law requires it to be posted in the official newspaper for two weeks prior to the filing date for candidates. Legal council will file a petition with Washington County to resolve the issue.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.