8/5/21 Work Session
Work Session
School board members reviewed the administration’s recommendation to place two questions on the November 2 ballot. Administration is recommending board approval of two ballot questions - the first being a replacement for the expiring operating levy and the second question requesting a new capital projects levy to fund technology needs. The board is expected to vote to approve the final referendum questions during the August 12 board meeting.
Here is the recommendation being considered:
Question 1: Replacement Levy
Renew the expiring levy and provide additional revenue to address the state funding gap, inflation and rising costs to maintain quality learning. Question 1, if approved, would increase the school district’s operating levy by $390 per student or approximately $2.7 million per year for 10 years.
Question 2: Capital projects levy for technology (technology levy)
Ensure students have access to reliable technology anytime, anywhere by providing kids the tools they need to learn. Question 2, if approved, would provide $4.7 million per year for 10 years for technology-related expenses.
The tax impact on the average home ($350,000) if voters approve both questions = less than $11 per month.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.