8/6/20 Business Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an informal summary of the meeting.
Report for Information: Allina Clinical Services Agreement for Therapy Services
The school board reviewed the clinical services agreement for therapy services provided by Allina Health System. This contract provides students with an identified physical therapy need access to therapists with Courage Kenny Rehabilitation Institute (Allina). The majority of students who receive these services are in the district’s birth to three year old early childhood special education program. The board is expected to take action on the contract at a future meeting.
Report for Information: RFPs – Architect
The school board reviewed proposals for architectural engineering services on an as-needed basis including, but not limited to, annual long-term facilities maintenance projects. The district would expect the selected architect to create bidding documents, review bids, provide contracts, approve submittals, issue change orders, certify payments and monitor construction projects. Various general needs projects may be needed throughout the year and the chosen architect/engineer would be involved with those as well. The finance and operations working group will bring a recommendation to the board for approval at its next meeting.
Report for Information: RFPs – Servers
The school board reviewed proposals for computer servers in the district. The district’s current lease for servers expires in November of 2020. The board is expected to take action on the contract at a future meeting.
Report for Information: Smart ReStart Fall Planning Update
The school board learned more about the district’s Smart reStart Return to Learning plan. Principals from each level - elementary, middle and high school - presented details about what learning will look like for students who choose the In-Person/Hybrid/Distance learning model, which we’re calling “Learning On The Dial.” The principals described the hybrid models for each level, and gave the board and public a glimpse into what a day could look like for students. Families will be receiving more information from their principals in the coming days.
Report for Information: Reimagine Stillwater Schools
The school board received an update on three actions that have been taken since the last board meeting to address inequities in our school district. On July 29, administrators had a discussion with students, alumni students and district staff to consider how we can work together to build trust with stakeholders and develop short and long term strategies, inclusive of voice from our students and community, to take action on our equity goals. Interviews were also conducted for the new district cultural liaison position, and an equity consultant has been identified to help guide the district and community in this work.
Action Item: Final Reading – Policy 903 – Visitors to School District Buildings and Sites
The school board approved the Visitors to School policy.
Action Item: Renewal of District Memberships 2020-21
The school board approved its annual memberships with four associations:
- MN School Boards Association (MSBA) for $14,425.00. Services include policy formats, legal advice, election advice and legislative updates to support school districts and Boards of Education.
- MN State High Schools League (MSHSL). This organization supervises and regulates interscholastic athletic and fine art events. There is no fee however, board action is required for participation.
- Association of Metropolitan School Districts (AMSD) for $11,428.00. AMSD's primary task is to lobby at the state level for the needs of metropolitan school districts.
- Schools for Equity in Education (SEE) for $9,359.00. SEE is also a lobbying organization which advocates at the state level on issues of equity in education.
Action Item: Resolution Calling a General Election
The school board approved a resolution calling for a general election on November 3, 2020 for the purpose of electing three school board members to four year terms. The seats currently held by members Jennifer Pelletier, Mike Ptacek and Sarah Stivland will expire December 31, 2020.
Action Item: Resolution Appointing Two School Board Members
The school board took action to appoint two temporary board members to fill positions recently vacated with the resignations of Mark Burns and Shelley Pearson. The board selected Tim Brewington and Bill Gilles from a pool of 10 candidates who applied and interviewed for the positions during a special board meeting on August 5. The appointees will serve until two new members are elected in a special election in November 2020.
Action Item: Resolution Adopting a Base Learning Model for the 2020-21 School Year and Other COVID Related Matters
The school board voted to adopt hybrid learning as the base learning model in which to begin the school year. This is subject to change prior to the start of the school year, and it is very likely the district will have to shift between learning models at various times in the year as COVID rates fluctuate. The board also voted to table the resolution that would provide the superintendent, in consultation with the school board chair and notification of the school board, the authority to move between learning models (In-Person/Hybrid/Distance) for the district or a specific school in response to COVID rates in the district. This item will be brought back at a later date.
Action Item: 2020-2021 Revised District Calendar
On July 30, the school board approved delaying the 2020-2021 school year by one week to provide more time for families and staff to prepare for the year. The school board took action this evening to approve the revised calendar, which included details of the A/B/A/B/C hybrid learning schedule. The revised calendar also added five student contact days to the year to make up for the delayed start. These dates are Nov. 2, Dec. 23, Jan. 19, Feb. 16 and March 26. The calendar provides two days of transition (Sept. 8 & 9) for 6th and 9th grade students, and four days of Ready, Set, Go Conferences to give parents and students more time to visit with teachers and get acclimated to the new year.