9/10/20 Business Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an informal summary of the meeting.
At the beginning of the meeting two new board members were sworn in to office. Timothy Brewington II and Bill Gilles were appointed by the board to fill positions that opened up with the resignations of Mark Burns and Shelley Pearson in July. The appointees will serve until results of the November election are canvassed.
Report for Information: Smart reStart Fall Planning Update
Superintendent Lansfeldt shared an update on the first week of school. We’re three days into the school year, and today was the first day of learning for all secondary students (grades 6-12) in the “B” cohort. Orientation days were held on Tuesday and Wednesday for sixth and ninth grade students to ease their transition into new buildings. Ready, Set, Go conferences are also underway this week to help elementary students and families connect with teachers and prepare for the year ahead. The board also learned more about the federal government’s extension of the summer meals program, which will provide FREE meals to all children in our district to start the school year.
Report for Information: Reimagine Stillwater Schools
The board received an update on how the work of equity and integration is built into the district’s World’s Best Workforce strategic plan. Assistant Superintendent Jennifer Cherry shared information about the district’s strategic plan and the goals and strategies designed to ensure “all students are seen, served and supported.”
Report for Information: Board Meeting Options
The school board discussed the possibility of returning to in-person board meetings. The board considered several location options, including Stillwater City Hall, Oak Park, Stillwater Area High School and Stillwater Middle School. For each option they considered the ability to physically distance (for both board/staff and an audience), broadcast live on YouTube and cable TV, video and audio connections, and potential costs.
Action Item: Dell Server Contract
The school board approved a new six year lease for computer servers in the district. The district’s current lease for servers expires in November of 2020. The cost for the new lease is $56,437 per year for 6 years ($338,615.88) and will be paid for from the technology operations fund.
Action Item: Online Learning Coordinator
The school board approved the hiring of a K-12 Online Learning Coordinator to help organize and facilitate our online learning program, as well as provide support to our teachers and families. This position will work closely with online teachers to coordinate communication and planning across buildings, grade levels, and classrooms. It will also help families who selected 100% Online Learning navigate connections to their student’s originally assigned building and their student’s Online Learning teacher. This is a one-year only position.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.