9/12/19 Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an informal summary of the meeting.
Report for Information: Open Forum Process
The Policy Working Group presented a proposal to adjust the open forum process to provide additional speakers time to address the school board. Under the proposal, the board would allow up to 15 people with three minutes each to address the school board at the beginning of each business meeting. The Policy Working Group will revisit this at a future meeting in November, and if needed, make adjustments to extend the time frame for speakers. The board chair is expected to decide the time limit for open forum and share that with the public prior to the Sept. 26 board meeting.
Report for Information: First Day of School Report
Board members received a report on the first day of school, including an update on student enrollment and a variety of statistics related to food services, Adventure Club and transportation. The report also shared feedback gathered from parents about their back to school experiences.
Report for Information: Second Readings of Policies
The school board had the opportunity to review several policies as part of the second reading. These included: Policy 412-Expense Reimbursement; Policy 427-Workload Limits for Special Education Teachers; Policy 502-Search of Student Lockers, Desks, Personal Possessions, and Students Person. The board is expected to take action on these policies at a future meeting. The board also pulled Policy 722-Public Data Requests from the agenda to be further reviewed and brought back for a second reading at a future meeting.
Action Items: Proposal to Consider Mediation Parameters
The school board chair made a motion to further consider the mediation proposed by the Superintendent and the Whitson Foundation and to address the associated liability concerns of the district’s legal counsel whereby the Superintendent would consent to the release of her personnel data for mediation which will be held at an open board meeting. The board voted down the motion 2 to 5.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.