9/23/21 Special Meeting
Agenda and Materials Second Revision
Board Meeting Notes
During the board chair report Bev Petri announced the resignation of board member Matt Onken. She also announced changes to the agenda designed to allow the board to address its official business earlier in the meeting and provide opportunity for public comment at the end of the meeting.
Action Item: Policy Approval (212) School Board Member Development
School board members voted 5-0 to approve Policy 212 School Board Member Development.
Action Item: Revoke Policy (201.12) Board Development and Evaluation
School board members voted 5-0 to revoke Policy 201.12 School Development and Evaluation.
Action Item: Guiding Change: Attendance Boundaries
School board members voted 5-0 to approve a guiding change document, which will be used to direct the work of the boundary committee this fall. The board provided direction to administration earlier this summer to proceed with boundary changes, which would be implemented for the start of the 2022-2023 school year. The process will begin after October 1 enrollment numbers are available and a decision on boundaries is anticipated in December 2021.
Action Item: Brookview Elementary School Addition – Construction Bids
School board members voted 4-1 to approve construction bids for the Brookview Elementary addition project. The project came in about $700,000 over budget due to supply chain issues, labor shortages, inflation and new building code requirements. This project is being funded through a school board-approved lease levy and long term facility maintenance funds, with the additional costs covered by the district’s Capital budget.
Action Item: Adopt Preliminary Property Tax Levy 2021 Payable 2022
School board members voted 4-1 to adopt a proposed property tax levy of $28,817,129.11 for taxes payable in 2022. This is the maximum levy allowed and includes both voter-approved levies and non-voter approved levies. Because the district’s voter-approved levy is set to expire at the end of this school year, this is a projected decrease of $12,480,889.44 or 30.22% from the payable 2021 levy. State law requires the board to adopt a proposed levy by September 30 of each year. The board will have the option to adjust the levy to a lower amount prior to certifying the final levy in December.
Action Item: School Board Goals 2021-2022
School board members voted 4-1 to approve its goals for the 2021-2022 school year, which include: (1) Increase student achievement for all students; (2) Secure long-term financial stability of the district; and (3) Increase community trust and engagement.
Action Item: Resolution Establishing the Procedure and Schedule to Fill One School Board Vacancy by Appointment
As a result of the resignation of board member Matt Onken, the board voted 5-0 to approve a resolution outlining the process that will be used to appoint a temporary member. Applications will be available online beginning on September 24 and must be submitted by 3 p.m. on October 1. The school board will interview candidates and select an appointee, and the appointee will hold office until a permanent replacement is elected during a special election in November 2022.
Action Item: Resolution Appointing Election Judges
The board voted 5-0 to approve a resolution to appoint election judges for the Nov. 2, 2021 election.
Report for Information: Transportation Update
School board members received an update on transportation changes in the works to address ongoing issues and driver shortage. Routes are being redrawn to give priority to all students living 2 miles or further from school and others required by law to receive busing. The board was also asked to consider an adjustment to school start times for some buildings with a goal of reducing the number of buses needed to transport students. While this would create more stable transportation and be sustainable for the remainder of the year, it would create numerous disruptions for students, families and staff. The school board is expected to hold a special meeting next week to determine if school start and end times will be adjusted.
Report for Information: Construction Payment Process
School board members received an overview of the payment process utilized for construction projects.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.