9/24/20 Business Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an informal summary of the meeting.
At the beginning of the meeting the school board recognized teachers and high school student teachers who spent several weeks of their summer working with 225 elementary students through the Summer Success program. The school board watched a short, documentary-style video showcasing the program. Watch it here.
Report for Information: First Day of School Report/Smart reStart Update
The school board received an update on the start of the 2020-2021 school year, which included enrollment numbers and other statistics from the first days of school. Enrollment is down this fall as a result of natural decline (the new kindergarten class has fewer students than the graduating senior class) and families choosing things like homeschooling during the pandemic. The update also included details about the factors that could impact a decision to change learning models throughout the school year.
Report for Information: Reimagine Stillwater Schools
The board received an update on how the work of equity and integration is built into our school site plans, as well as in the World’s Best Workforce (WBWF) strategic plan. Assistant Superintendent Jennifer Cherry shared information about this work and the goals and strategies designed to ensure “all students are seen, served and supported.” She also invited members of the public to join the WBWF Committee. Learn more.
Report for Information: Bus Parking
The school board received an update on plans to park school buses at two remote lots, in addition to the leased Stagecoach property. The city of Stillwater has granted permission to the district to allow the parking of 40 buses at Stillwater Middle School. An agreement was also reached with a private company in Afton to park up to 25 buses on their property for a negotiated fee. The current leased property is not large enough to house the entire bus fleet.
Action Item: Architectural Engineering Contract
The school board approved a contract with Wold Architectural Engineering to provide as-needed services including, but not limited to, annual long-term facilities maintenance projects. Various general needs projects may be needed throughout the year and Wold would be involved with those as well.
Action Item: Approve Preliminary Levy
School board members voted to adopt a proposed property tax levy of $40,471,667.08 for taxes payable in 2021. This is the maximum levy allowed, less the amount the board could levy to help fund the teacher alternative compensation program (otherwise known as Q-Comp). It includes both voter-approved levies and non-voter approved levies. State law requires the board to adopt a proposed levy by September 30 of each year. The board will have the option to adjust the levy to a lower amount prior to certifying the final levy in December.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.