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9/9/21 Business Meeting

9/9/21 Business Meeting

Agenda and Materials Revised


Board Meeting Notes

Report for Information: Back-to-School Report
Board members received a report on the first day of school, including an update on student enrollment and statistics related to food services and Adventure Club. Overall, enrollment is up slightly from projected numbers. The report also included a short update on ongoing transportation challenges and the plans to reroute busing to focus on prioritized routes.

Report for Information: Second Policy Reading (212) School Board Member

School board members reviewed Policy 212 School Board Member Development as part of a second reading. The policy will come back for a final reading at a future meeting.

Report for Information: Federal CARES Funding Update
Board members received an overview on how much federal coronavirus aid and relief funding the district has received and how funds have been allocated. 

Report for Information: Attendance Boundary Guiding Change
School board members reviewed a draft of the guiding change document, which would be used to direct the work of the boundary committee this fall. The board provided direction to administration earlier this summer to proceed with boundary changes, which would be implemented for the start of the 2022-2023 school year. The process will begin after October 1 enrollment numbers are available and a decision on boundaries is anticipated in December 2021.

Report for Information: School Board Goals
School board members reviewed a draft of their school board goals for the 2021-2022 school year. The board identified three top priorities, including: (1) Increase student achievement for all students; Secure long-term financial stability of the district; and (3) Increase community trust and engagement. The board will take action on its goals at the next meeting.

stillwater pony head

Additional Meeting Notes