1/21/21 Business Meeting
Meeting Notes
The following is an informal summary of the school board meeting.
The board recognized students and coaches from the Stillwater Area High School boys and girls basketball teams.
Report for Information: On the Dial Learning Update
Superintendent Lansfeldt shared information about the district’s plan to slowly bring students back to school, which included a recommendation to return 6-12 grade students to in person learning over the next several months. To ensure a safe return to school, the recommendation is for secondary students to begin returning to school after all elementary students are in place. On Feb. 16, grade 6-12 students identified for in person support would return. On March 1 students in grade 6, as well as 4-5 GATE students would return. All 7-8 graders would come back on March 15 and 9-12 students would return April 5, which is the beginning of 4th quarter. The board did not take action on the recommendation, but will hold a special meeting next week to vote on the plan.
Report for Information: Contract Reviews - January 1, 2021- January 14, 2021
School board members reviewed recent contracts for goods and services equaling less than $50,000.
Action Item: Amended 2020-2024 Transportation Contract - MTN Bus Co.
Board members voted to approve an amended transportation contract with MTN Bus Company. The contract states that the district will pay 84% of the contracted rates currently in place for previously scheduled school days that transportation was not provided due to COVID-19. MTN will use the funds to continue paying personnel utilized in the service of this contract.
Action Item: Long Term Facility Maintenance – WOLD
Board members voted to approve a contract with Wold Architects and Engineers to provide architectural and engineering services for the upcoming summer’s Long Term Facilities Maintenance projects. The projects will replace facility finishes, mechanical systems, and plumbing fixtures.
Action Item: 10th Grade English Language Arts Expenditures
Board members voted to approve the purchase of new 10th grade English Language Arts (ELA) curriculum and professional development. This expense has already been earmarked and is within the board approved FY20 and FY21 General Budget.
Action Item: School Calendar
The board voted to approve a 2021-2022 school year. The new school year will start the week of August 31 and wrap up on June 2. Spring break would be held the week of March 7.
Action Item: School Board Committee Assignments and Working Groups 2021
School board members voted to approve committee and working group assignments for the year. They also approved liaisons for each school building. Board members serve as representatives to various groups that support the district, like Northeast Metro 916 and the Minnesota State High School League. Members also serve on working groups in the areas of finance and operations, legislative, policy, community engagement and personnel.
The next regular school board meeting will be held at 6 p.m. on Feb. 11. Board meetings are expected to be conducted electronically and web streamed live on YouTube until CDC recommendations related to the COVID-19 situation change.
Additional Meeting Notes
There are a limited number of speaking slots. It is a first come, first served system.