Medication Protocol
Whenever possible we ask that parents administer medications to students at home. However, we know that some students may require prescribed and/or over-the-counter medication during the school day. If medication is necessary during school hours, it will be administered in compliance with appropriate law and school district administrative policy 516: School Health Related Programs.
The following must be provided before a medication (prescription or over-the-counter) may be administered to a student at school (see forms below):
- A written authorization from a parent/guardian
- A signed order from the licensed prescriber stating the name and dose of medication, times and duration for administration
Medications must be sent in the original container or pharmacy labeled container.
Secondary students may self-administer and self-carry non-prescription, over the counter, pain-relieving medication at school provided that they have written parent permission, the medication is in its original container and the medication does not contain ephedrine or pseudoephedrine.
Students must have documentation of their immunization status for certain diseases in order to attend school, as required by state law.
Feeling sick. Stay home. This will help spread contagious illnesses, including COVID-19, and keep our kids learning in school.